Project Background

Council Direction

In March 2021, Council passed a notice of motion (NOM) directing Administration to provide a recommendation report on solutions and implementation plans to specifically address minimizing the negative impacts of waste and recycling sites. To view the direction from Council, click on the link above.

This project will explore:

  • what issues exist related to waste and recycling site in other Canadian municipalities
  • what are the existing policies and bylaws related to these sites
  • the current state waste and recycling sites in Calgary

Through engagement and research strategies, the project team will create and present options to be included in a Council recommendation in Q3 2022. Information will be gathered from internal City of Calgary staff as well as external organizations and stakeholders.

What is the goal of this project?

Businesses that manage waste and diverted materials play an important role in our city. By developing clear operating standards and approval processes we can support these businesses and encourage industry best practices, safe worksites and achieve a healthy and green city.

What are waste and recycling sites?

There are many companies in Calgary that provide residential and non-residential waste services. These companies are often identified as recyclers, salvage yards, processing facilities, containerization and/or storage of goods and/or products or similar.

Are there any laws or bylaws to currently address the negative impacts of waste and recycling sites in Calgary?

Type of FacilityLegislation
LandfillsEnvironmental Protection and Enhancement Act, Land Use Bylaw, Activities Designation Regulation, Safety Codes,
Transfer Stations Waste Control Regulation, Activities Designation Regulation and EPEA, Landuse Bylaw, Community Standards Bylaw
Self Declared Salvage Yards, Recyclers and Waste Management Storage SitesLand Use Bylaw, Safety Codes, Stormwater Bylaw, EPEA, Activities Designation Regulation, Waste Control Regulation, Community Standards Bylaw
Undeclared waste storage sitesCommunity Standards Bylaw

Share Your Feedback

To develop recommendations for addressing the negative impacts of waste and recycling sites, we want to hear from those who have first-hand knowledge and experience to better understand the challenges and issues.

We want to assure you that your contributions are kept confidential. Two separate surveys below ensure that your feedback will remain anonymous, and no identifying information will be shared or published.

Notice Of Motion (NOM) for review

Next Steps

Your feedback along with the feedback of other citizens and stakeholders will be used to create options and a recommendation for Council to review and consider in 2022. We will share a What we Heard report on this website.