Project Update

Phase 3 Reveal of the project is now complete. You can view the What we heard Report here.

Phase 3: Reveal

In Phase 3: Reveal, you will be able to:

  • Learn about the study background, objectives, process, timelines, and what The City heard from the public in previous phases of engagement.
  • View the recommended plan.
  • Share your feedback to help us refine the recommended plan.

Option Evaluation

The evaluation framework was used to assess the options and help arrive at the recommended plan which includes a level at-grade crossing of the CN Rail line. The following table provides a summary of the goals reflected in the recommended plan.

Evaluation framework

Maintain and enhance bordering communities

GoalsHow the goals are reflected in the recommended plan
Minimize property impacts for existing residential neighborhoods.No residential properties in Abbeydale or Applewood Park are directly impacted by the new roadway.
Minimize traffic noise and visual impacts to existing homes.The level at-grade CN crossing significantly reduces visual impact compared to the overpass option. Noise barriers will be constructed where traffic noise exceeds City guidelines.
Enable street-facing land uses in new development areas.The Urban Boulevard design with on-street parking supports properties facing the street.
Incorporate street trees and potential green infrastructure for landscaping and drainage.

Medians and boulevards along the corridor provide space for street trees. Additional green space enhancements will be provided around the Rotary-Mattamy Greenway area.
Accommodate opportunities for improved public gathering spaces and community features.

A small plaza proposed west of 84 Street as a gateway between the
residential areas of Belvedere and the pathway network around
Stoney Trail. Small seating areas provided at all intersections to allow for rest spots or meeting places for the community.

Enhance mobility along the corridor

GoalsHow the goals are reflected in the recommended plan
Accommodate walking and wheeling that is always available for all ages and abilities, from end to end.

New multi-use pathways or one-way cycle tracks with sidewalks will be provided on both sides of Memorial Drive.
Accommodate efficient east-west connectivity for transit and emergency services.

The design includes turning lanes at major intersections to reduce bottlenecking for transit and emergency services.
Incorporate design elements that support slower roadway travel speeds.

The design includes several elements that will help promote traveling at the 50 km/h speed limit, including narrowing lanes, tighter intersection corners, curb extensions at intersections, and on-street parking.

Accommodate anticipated local travel demands between communities and employment areas.

The design accommodates expected traffic growth in the Belvedere area over a 30+ year period.
Provide a safe and convenient crossing of the CN Rail line for all users.

The level at-grade CN Rail crossing is a safe solution considering the low volume of rail traffic, and it provides the most “open” field of view for crime prevention in the area.

Enhance mobility across the corridor

GoalsHow the goals are reflected in the recommended plan
Provide safe and frequent north-south crossing opportunities for people who walk and wheel.Intersections are relatively well-spaced in the Belvedere area east of Stoney Trail. A mid-block crossing with a signal is provided between Huxland Way and Huxbury Gate.
Provide a crossing for the Rotary-Mattamy Greenway that is safe, inviting, and aesthetically pleasing.Memorial Drive will overpass the Rotary-Mattamy Greenway on a bridge. To avoid a “tunnel” effect, the east- and westbound carriageways of Memorial Drive are widely separated to provide great sightlines and natural lighting for the pathway.
Improve pathway connections across the CN Rail line between Abbeydale and Applewood Park.New multi-use pathways are provided on both sides of Memorial Drive across the CN rail line, which will have safe crossings controlled by flashing lights, bells, and gates.
Accommodate comfortable and directly accessible transit stops.Space for in-lane transit stops with full shelters is provided at all intersections.

Phase 2: Explore

Phase 2: Explore public engagement

During the second phase of engagement in 2023, The City presented three options for crossing the CN Rail

line – an overpass, an underpass, or a level at-grade crossing. We asked people to:

  • Provide feedback on design concepts; and
  • Share their ideas, issues, or concerns about the design concepts.

  • Below is a summary of key themes we heard from the community and how it was considered when selecting

    the level at-grade crossing as the recommended plan:

    Community feedbackHow feedback was considered
    Most respondents cited visual impact and increased noise as their biggest concerns. Some respondents said that the underpass option would have less visual impact and noise impacts on adjacent residents.

    • The level at-grade crossing has significantly less visual impact when compared to an overpass.
    • Noise barriers will be constructed where City noise policy guidelines are exceeded in Abbeydale and Applewood Park.

    Some respondents mentioned liking the overpass and underpass options because it allows for uninterrupted traffic flow, increased safety, and separation of the CN rail from vehicles, pedestrians, and those who wheel.

    Most respondents noted that the at-grade option would not support a steady flow of traffic due to delays when trains cross the roadway and stated that it would be unsafe for pedestrians and those who wheel in the area.
    • Review of train movements on the CN Rail line confirmed that it normally operates with just two trains per day in the overnight hours.
    • Low risk of conflict with trains during periods of higher demand (daytime and evening hours).
    • A fully controlled crossing (with flashing lights, bells, and gates) will be provided.

    Some respondents expressed concern that an underpass
    would encourage undesirable activity, such as crime and litter.

    • Similar concerns exist for sections of the at-grade design option as there may be bridges going over top of pathways or culvert crossings.
    • To avoid a “tunnel” effect from a long bridge or culvert crossing, the east and west-bound carriageways of Memorial Drive will be widely separated to provide great sightlines and light penetration for the crossings.

    Some respondents expressed that they liked that the at-grade option would create less visual impact in the community and on the views from adjacent homes, than other design options.

    • This was an important consideration when deciding between the three design options.

    Stoney Trail

    During the first round of engagement for the project, the public shared the desire for integrating Stoney Trail access to and from the new Memorial Drive extension.

    The City conducted a series of traffic and technical studies to support the development of options for the roadway extension. This included exploring what would be required if creating an access to and from Stoney Trail was an option.

    Through the review process, The City learned:

    • Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors (ATEC) did not select this location as an approved access point when Stoney Trail was originally built.
    • Upon review, The City has confirmed that access ramps for Memorial Drive to Stoney Trail cannot fit without impacting the nearby 16 Avenue NE and 17 Avenue SE interchanges and reconfiguring this infrastructure would be very costly.
    • Based on the analysis conducted by The City, if a connection to Stoney Trail was created, residential neighborhoods west of Stoney Trail would see an increase in through-traffic and noise on Memorial Drive.

    These are the key reasons why access to and from Stoney Trail and the Memorial Drive extension will not be part of the plan.

    Urban Boulevard Roadway Design

    The Memorial Drive extension will be designed as an Urban Boulevard: these streets are more livable, functional, and accessible for all users than a traditional arterial street.

    Urban Boulevards are the preferred design for traffic corridors like Memorial Drive because they:

  • Provide separate spaces for all modes of travel (including walking, wheeling, and vehicle traffic facilities).
  • Reduce traffic speeds.
  • Improve driving, pedestrian, and wheeling safety.
  • Better integrate with surrounding communities by letting homes and businesses face
  • directly onto the street, with adjacent on-street parking.

    These images show some examples of the features in an Urban Boulevard. The final design of Memorial Drive may differ in some ways but will incorporate many of these elements as well as additional features that fit specifically with the local context.

    Phase 1: Discover

    Phase 1 - Discover public engagement

    During the first phase of engagement, The City asked people who walk, wheel, drive and take transit in the study area to:

    • Provide feedback on the project priorities
    • Share their ideas, issues, or concerns about the study area

    Below is a summary of what we heard from the community and how it was considered when developing the three options for this project:

    Community feedbackHow feedback was considered in the development of the options
    An accessible and safe roadway for users of all abilitiesThe extension of Memorial Drive includes separate facilities for walking, wheeling, driving (including transit)
    Maximized traffic flow to avoid congestion along the roadwayThe extension of Memorial Drive will include two lanes in each direction and separate left and right turn lanes at major intersections where traffic volumes are expected to be higher.
    Safe crossings at the CN rail tracks, over Stoney Trail, the Rotary Mattamy Greenway and across Memorial Drive for all usersAll options have been designed to incorporate a safe crossing option, whether over, under or at grade, at the CN rail tracks.
    Separated walking and wheeling facilities to increase user safety and avoid conflicts between different usesSeparated wheeling and walking paths are included along the full extension of Memorial Drive.
    An aesthetically pleasing roadway area, adjacent sidewalks, and local pathwaysThe urban boulevard design, incorporates landscaping in the boulevards and the median such as trees and greenery.
    The potential for increased traffic, noise, and pollution from the roadway extensionThe degree of these impacts varies between design options. Feedback about these issues is encouraged during the current Phase 2 engagement. Once a preferred concept is selected in Phase 3: Reveal, The City will begin detailed design work to explore specifics like noise mitigation options, crossing features and landscaping elements for the recommended plan.

    Concept design east of 84 Street E

    Through technical analysis of the area, including new and future developments and engagement with key interested parties, The City has developed an Urban Boulevard concept east of 84 Street E. This design will tie into the final option selected for the west segment of this project.

    The Urban Boulevard cross-section is designed to integrate with adjacent residential development

    The key features of the Urban Boulevard concept include:

    • Sidewalks and pathways along both sides of the roadway provide separated spaces for walking and wheeling that accommodate all ages and abilities.
    • Four traffic lanes are separated by a median and space is provided for on-street parking in both directions.
    • Narrower lane widths and adjacent landscaping encourage slower travel speeds while still accommodating efficient movement of transit and emergency vehicles.
    • Landscaping in the boulevards and the median will include trees and greenery along the corridor.
    • Public spaces along the roadway will provide opportunities for enhanced community streetscaping.

    East of 84 Street E, Memorial Drive will interface with several new communities. At intersections, the urban boulevard concept provides space for all modes of travel.

    Major intersections at 84 Street E, 100 Street E and 116 Street E provide access to other areas of the City.

    Minor intersections provide access to and from new communities.

    Options west of 84 Street E

    Through technical analysis of the area, including new and future developments and consultation with key interested parties The City has developed three design options for the west segment of the study area.

    All options include an overpass across the Rotary Mattamy-Greenway and Stoney Trail. The key difference between options is whether Memorial Drive will cross the CN rail tracks with an overpass, an underpass or at-grade. These options have been formed based on our technical estimates that approximately 35,000 vehicles will use this infrastructure daily once the Belvedere ASP is fully built out. The community’s feedback about the crossing options will help us decide which one to take forward and explore further.


    Option 1- CN Rail Overpass

    Option 1 enhances safety and mobility along the corridor with an overpass at the CN tracks and overpasses across the Rotary Mattamy Greenway and Stoney Trail.

    Key features, benefits, and challenges of the overpass option are noted next to each option view.

    Option 2 - CN Rail Underpass

    Option 2 enhances safety and mobility along the corridor with an underpass at the CN tracks and overpasses across the Rotary Mattamy Greenway and Stoney Trail.

    Key features, benefits, and challenges of the underpass option are noted next to each option view.

    Option 3 - CN Rail At-grade

    Option 3 enhances safety and mobility along the corridor with a controlled at-grade railway crossing (with crossing lights, bells and arms) and overpasses across the Rotary Mattamy Greenway and Stoney Trail.

    CN does not currently support a new at-grade rail crossing at this location. However, The City could continue to work collaboratively with CN to advance this option if it is found to be advantageous compared to the other options.

    Key features, benefits, and challenges of the at-grade option are noted next to each option view.

    Project Background

    The City is conducting a functional planning study for the east extension of Memorial Drive. The roadway extension will provide an important link from the existing communities of Abbeydale and Applewood Park to the east city limits at 116 Street E (at the boundary with Chestermere). The roadway extension is part of The City’s plan to establish better connectivity between communities and businesses on both sides of Stoney Trail to support future growth.

    The roadway extension will include a new crossing of the CN Rail line, the Rotary Mattamy Greenway, and an east-west overpass across Stoney Trail (without on-or-off-ramps from Stoney Trail).

    How decisions are made

    It is important to note that your input, along with the input of your neighbours helps The City better understand the perspectives, opinions, and concerns of the community. Public input is collected, where appropriate, and considered along with other factors (like cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans/goals) before making decisions.

    Recommended plan

    Based on public input from Phase 1: Discover and Phase 2: Explore, along with the technical evaluation factors (see tabs above), a recommended plan has been developed for Memorial Drive. The recommended plan reflects development of a new Urban Boulevard with a level at-grade crossing of the CN Rail tracks, and an overpass across Stoney Trail with no access to the highway. Please review and provide feedback about the recommended plan with the tabs below, arranged from west to east.

    68 Street E to Abbeydale Drive

    Key Plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    CN Rail to 82 Street E

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    82 Street E to Huxley Blvd NE

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    North plaza

    South plaza

    Landscape legend

    Huxley Blvd NE to Huxland Way NE

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    Huxland Way NE to Huxbury Gate NE

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    Huxbury Gate NE to 100 Street E

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    100 Street E to 116 Street E

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Key plan

    Recommended plan

    Cross section of Memorial Drive

    Landscape legend

    Next Steps

    Once the Phase 3 public engagement process is complete, The City will review feedback and use it to help refine the recommended plan, which will be finalized for Summer 2024.

    Project funding

    It is important to note that this project did not receive any construction funding in The City’s recent 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets. City Administration will continue to monitor the growth and development intensity of the Belvedere ASP and recommend infrastructure improvements and required servicing support needed in future budget cycles.