ENGAGMENT IS NOW CLOSED. Thank you for your feedback and input. Click below for up-to-date information regarding the project
Engagement Summary
Extensive engagement with industry, interested parties, and the public has helped in shaping the proposed list of Industrial Area Structure Plans policy amendments. The list of proposed policy amendments will be reviewed by Infrastructure and Planning committee 2024, June 12 and then proceed to Public hearing. Please see attached a full engagement summary outlining what we heard and what we did. Additionally, the revised list of policy amendments is also available for review.
Project Overview
As part of the ongoing effort to support industrial development in Calgary, Council approved the 2023 Industrial Action Plan in June 2023. One key action is to modernize, update and potentially remove select policies by undertaking targeted amendments to six industrial Area Structure Plans. The proposed amendments aim to enable industrial development, thereby enhancing Calgary's strategic growth and economic prosperity of Calgary. They further support job creation and promote economic diversification.
The following Area Structure Plans were reviewed by City Administration:
- Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005)
- Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)
- Saddle Ridge Area Structure Plan (1998)
- Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (1996)
- Southeast 68 Street Industrial Area Structure Plan (2010)
- Shepard Industrial Area Structure Plan (2009)
These City-initiated policy amendments are specific and focused, not intended to be a full-scale revisiting of the Area Structure Plans. The amendments primarily focus on land use policies and transportation policies that could act as barriers to modern industrial developments.
An Infrastructure and Planning Committee and public hearing is anticipated on July 16, 2024, when Administration will present the list of proposed policy amendments to Council. The public may attend the public hearing in person or submit written input. Learn more about participating in public hearings at calgary.ca/publichearing.
Additionally, you can visit calgary.ca/industrialareas to explore other initiatives related to the industrial growth strategy.
Summary of Proposed Changes
Through discussions and feedback circulation with the Industrial Strategy Working Group and internal staff, a total of 11 amendments in three ASPs are proposed. The summary of the proposed amendments is as follows:
- Delete the maximum parcel size limitation for local commercial uses (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005) and Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)).
- Amend a policy to allow for medium industrial uses to be located adjacent to entranceway roads with compliance with ASP design guidelines (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005) and Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)).
- Delete policies that require concept plan and transportation analysis submissions that do not align with the current permit application review process (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005)).
- Delete policies that reference maximum density policies based on transportation impact and trip generation (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005) and Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)).
- Delete policies that regulate the density of land uses based on the maximum floor area ratio or maximum vehicle trip generation factor (Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)).
- Delete policies that reference maximum density policies based on transportation impact and trip generation (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005) and Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007)).
- Delete a policy that references the Transportation Improvement Priority Study process for roadway improvements (Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (1996)).
To view the complete list of proposed policy changes, click on the “List of Proposed Policy Amendments” in this page.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is The City proposing targeted amendments instead of full rewrites of the existing Area Structure Plans?
- In alignment with the approved 2023 Industrial Action Plan, the scale of this project is deliberately specific and limited. The objective is to update policies that may hinder future industrial developments. A complete rewrite of these ASPs would demand significant resources and time. These amendments are designed to swiftly implement time-sensitive actions based on the available resources. Furthermore, these amendments are being done in advance of the broader policy rewrites being contemplated in the City Building Program. Any broad policy rewrites should wait until that work has completed.
Why is The City not suggesting any changes to the Land Use Concept maps or supporting information, such as preface or context paragraphs?
- A comprehensive review and replacement of all sections in the subject ASPs would require more attention and time that would surpass the scope of this initiative. Land Use Concept maps have been reviewed, and they either provide adequate flexibility for industrial growth or contain existing developments. Designating more areas for commercial land use is considered inappropriate, as this project aims to encourage, not discourage, industrial growth in the subject ASP areas.
Why are only three ASPs (Revised Stoney Industrial ASP, Northeast Industrial ASP, and Southeast Industrial ASP) proposed for updates, despite the inclusion of six ASPs in the 2023 Industrial Action Plan?
- All six ASPs (Revised Stoney Industrial Area Structure Plan (2005), Northeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2007), Saddle Ridge Area Structure Plan (1984), Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (1996), Southeast Industrial Area Structure Plan (2010), and Shepard Industrial Area Structure Plan (2009)) have been reviewed. However, ASPs with no proposed changes were determined to not required immediate update.
What is the relationship between this project and the ongoing City Building Program, which plans to update the existing Municipal Development Plan, Calgary Transportation Plan, Land Use Bylaw, Complete Streets Policy & Guide?
- The City Building Program is currently in progress and is scheduled for a Public Hearing later this year. This policy review project is moving forward ahead of the City Building Program, and the proposed policy amendments are crafted to facilitate industrial developments while proactively avoiding conflicts with future policies in a timely manner. The terminologies for land uses, land use districts, and other policy-related terms are derived from the existing ASPs.