Application Information

The City of Calgary is seeking applications for membership to the Green Line Area Redevelopment Committee.

  • The Green Line Area Redevelopment Committee will include three locally focused working groups for the communities of Ramsay, Millican-Ogden (including residents of Lynnwood), and South Hill (including residents of Riverbend).
  • These groups will review and discuss the draft area redevelopment or station area plan in their community in order to add additional local context or identify where additional focus may be required.
  • Input from these groups will be used to define what additional work is required to finalize the existing draft plan.
  • Based on the scope of work that the working group helps to identify, this group may be asked to take on additional future tasks related to finalizing the area redevelopment or station area plan.


  • Membership for each working group will be capped at twelve people.
  • 1-2 membership spots will be filled by a representative of the local Community Association.
  • Group membership will strive to encompass a variety of local perspectives; including but not limited to:
    • Local residents (homeowners & renters)
    • People who work in the area
    • People who own property in the area
    • Local business owners
    • Local developers or real estate professionals
    • Community users (from a recreation or customer perspective)
    • Education, Faith, Environmental or Advocacy groups
  • Membership will be decided by staff from The City of Calgary.
  • All applicants will be informed of the outcome of the selection process.
Do you? Required

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(if applicable)

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(if applicable)

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What are your key areas of interest in providing input to the area redevelopment plan or station area plan for your community? Required

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The personal information provided herein is collected under Section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information Protection of Privacy Act and is collected for the purpose of gathering information necessary for the selection of members to the Ramsay Area Redevelopment Group. It is collected by The City of Calgary’s Planning and Development department. If you have any question about the use of the information in this form, please contact