About GamePLAN
The City is reimagining how public recreation is delivered in Calgary. GamePLAN is a long-term vision and strategy to shape our approach to delivering inclusive, accessible and sustainable recreation services for the next 10 to 30 years. GamePLAN will guide future business planning and investment, shape policy and The City’s approach to partnering.
What is the public recreation system?
The public recreation system is a network of recreation service providers who share a mandate to provide quality, accessible, affordable and inclusive recreation opportunities for Calgarians.
We work better together!
The experiences and perspectives of service delivery Partners are critical for understanding the environment in which we operate and how we can work better together to improve our collective impact and resilience.
Why now?
Calgary’s population is rapidly growing and changing. We understand recreation doesn’t mean the same thing to all people and are actively exploring new ways to meet the needs of Calgarians in a sustainable way.
Why you?
Sharing your organization's perspective will help shape a long-term vision and inform strategies for improving service over the next 10 to 30 years. The goal of the survey is to identify opportunities and strategies to guide our organizations (and the sector) into the future.
Next Steps
A summary of What We Heard will be available for Partners on completion of engagement. Follow up discussions may be requested at the discretion of the participant by emailing GamePLAN@calgary.ca. A vision document and proposed service strategies will be presented to Council in June 2024.