The City of Calgary is collecting your input to help us understand how neighbourhood streets around the city are used by Calgarians walking, wheeling and taking transit. Share your experiences, observations, drawings and photos of how the streets in your community are used.

What will you do with my input?

  • The observations and information you share with us in the survey (first tab) will help inform our new Neighbourhood Streets Policy.
  • Your input on the survey questions (second tab) will help us identify any issues with the survey.


There are two options for filling out this survey.

Option 1: If you have a mobile device (tablet, or phone) fill out the survey below as you explore your streets and answer the questions directly in your device.

Option 2: Print a paper copy and submit your results after you are done. You can enter your results on the website when you get to a computer or take a picture of it and submit it on the right side of this page and we will enter your results.

Please don’t do this survey as a group and follow all physical distancing rules when you are out in your community.

You can do this survey for as many streets as you want.

We are working on COVID-19 safe options for paper copies. Stay tuned for updates.


What time is it?

Look around for: street signs, house or building numbers, park and school names. Use words like next to, across from, on the left/right/behind/in front to paint a picture for us of where you are and what you are seeing. *Any specific house numbers you share with us will be removed from public reports.*

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Does this space feel well-lit?
Does it feel safe to cross the street?
Would you feel comfortable asking someone for help?
Do you know anyone who lives nearby?
Would this space be safe in all seasons?

Imagine it: in the winter, after a lot of rain, in the spring...

Do you think people driving can see you?
Do you ever see adults biking on the sidewalk?
Do you think people driving are travelling at a safe speed?
Would you come here at night?


Do you see fun places to play?
Is there somewhere you could wait if there was a storm?
Are people hanging out right now?

(not just passing through)

Do you see interesting art or murals?
Is there shopping on the street?
Do you see tourists on this street?
Do you see people walking their dogs?
Do you see babies in strollers or daycare groups?
Is there a nearby public bathroom you can use?


Do you see a grocery store, a food truck or restaurant?
Are there different types of homes?

Like houses, apartments, or garage suites?

Are there different types of plants?

Trees, bushes, grass, flowers?

Is it easy to find your way around this community?
Is there somewhere to lock up your bike?
Is the sidewalk continuous to the front doors of places?
Are the crosswalks convenient for where you want to go?
Is there space between the sidewalk and the road?
Are there signs to get to community places like the train, shopping or a school?


Is there enough space to walk or wheel side by side?
Can you have a conversation with the person next to you and hear them?
Is it accessible for everyone?

A few things to think about: Think about a kid walking on their own. Think about someone who uses a wheelchair, walker, cane, or pushes a stroller. Think about someone who has vision or hearing loss.

Do you see any benches or places to sit?
Overall, does this place seem friendly?
Overall, does this place feel well taken care of?
Is the street mostly free of litter?


Is there a place to walk or use a wheelchair?
Is there a place to bike?
Is there a place to skateboard or ride a scooter?
Do shared scooters, cars and taxis visit here?

Example: Bird, Lime, Uber, etc.

Do you see kids travelling by themselves?
Is there a lot of parking for cars?
Is there a bus stop nearby?
Can you cross the street near the bus stop?
Do people driving pass others carefully?


Your contributions may be shared publicly but we will take out any personally identifying information so please keep names, numbers, etc. off the submissions.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


This information is not used in project decision making and is not connected to your engagement input. However, this information does help The City understand who we are reaching, and helps us to better design engagement processes that are accessible to all Calgarians. All of these questions are optional and by clicking Submit below you agree to share this information with The City of Calgary.

Please select any of the following that apply to you.
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Thank you for trying the explore you street survey. We would love to hear from you about the survey questions to help us improve them over time.

Share with us your feedback on the tool

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How did you hear about this project?