Confederation Park is a recognized historic resource and is one of Calgary’s significant cultural landscapes. This park was created to celebrate Canada’s Centennial in 1967.
We are making some exciting improvements to this park in 2016/2017.
Improvements to Confederation Park are scheduled to begin in the spring of 2016. Lighting, pathway and seating improvements are currently in development as identified in the Confederation Park Management Plan. The plan guides The City’s annual work plans for the management and maintenance of the park.
Further enhancements are also being considered for 2016/2017, to work within the Project’s capital budget of $1.1 million, plus additional funding to develop a natural play space. A Public Art component will be incorporated in 2017 in alignment with The City’s Public Art Policy.
In June of 2016 The City asked for input from Calgarians on the following improvements:
- a natural play space to replace the playground near 30 Avenue
- re-purposing the unused parking area west of the washrooms
- suggestions for a city-wide celebration for Canada’s 150th anniversary (July 1, 2017).
Public and stakeholder feedback was compiled and reviewed, and this What we Heard Report outlines the public engagement process and feedback that was received.
Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas with us!
Public and stakeholder feedback was compiled and reviewed, and this What we Heard Report outlines the public engagement process and feedback that was received. Decisions made and information about the natural play space and the under-used parking area will be posted on the Confederation Park Improvements project page on when they are finalized, as well as plans for celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary at Confederation Park.
Calgary Parks is a steward of Calgary's green and natural spaces, with a responsibility to ensure our parks and natural spaces are appropriately maintained, enhanced and conserved. We do our best to balance your feedback with this responsibility. Thank you for your interest and participation in this great project!
Construction work will occur in the park throughout 2016 and in the spring/summer of 2017. Our goal is to complete as much of the work as possible to celebrate Canada Day in 2017.