Re-examination of Asset Names Engagement Questionnaire

Dear Mayor and Councillors,

At the July 20, 2020 Council meeting, during deliberations to rename James Short Park/Parkade, Council directed Administration to “…develop a process by which citizen requests to re-examine an existing name of a City asset will be handled, ensuring that any such process involve community input with final decision-making by Council through the PFC as per the existing policy. In addition, this must also involve consultation with the Anti-Racism Advisory Committee once it is operational…”.

During these discussions, Councillors expressed an interest to be engaged by Administration during the development of this new process.

Our engagement promise to you is that we will consult with you and ensure your input is considered and incorporated to the maximum extent possible. Your responses will be kept confidential.

As a first step in this process, we are seeking your input into a brief questionnaire which includes the key considerations we have identified as foundational to the re-examination process. We’ve also included a high-level draft process in the questionnaire as a starting point from which to build on. Please note, this draft process is subject to change based on your feedback and engagement with other stakeholders as we continue through the consultation process.

We kindly ask that you provide your input by December 21, 2020.

If you have any questions or would like to set up a meeting to discuss the questionnaire or this project work in general, please contact Svetlana Montuffar, Strategist – Naming & Sponsorships with Corporate Analytics & Innovation at 587.585.5927 or

We greatly appreciate your time and input.

Thank you.

Please provide us with your input via the questionnaire below.