Project Goal

Develop a more consistent approach to mitigating potential challenges due to construction and improve how businesses and customers experience City-led construction.

This approach will include input from Calgary’s business community and their customers, partners in the construction industry, and City Administration. The team will report back to Infrastructure and Planning Committee with a draft policy and recommendations in early 2026.

Input from businesses and their customers is important for shaping the policy objectives. This feedback helps us ensure we are focused on the things that will support Calgary’s businesses while enabling The City to continue investing in infrastructure and amenities for the benefit of all Calgarians.

We would like to hear from you!

Survey closes April 3rd. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

💬Get Involved

Throughout 2025, we will engage with the public to better understand the perspectives of businesses and Calgarians experiencing City-led construction. This will allow us to gather valuable ideas and input, ensuring that the policy objectives are informed by the needs of businesses and their customers.

  • Phase 1 Explore: February - March 2025

    • Listen and learn from business and construction industry experiences during City-led construction to confirm the challenges and opportunities.
  • Monday, 24 February 2025

    Targeted Engagement

    Business Improvement Area (BIA) Online Workshop

  • Thursday, 6 March 2025

    Survey opens for feedback (Closes April 3rd)

  • Sunday, 9 March 2025

    10:00 am to 01:00 pm

    Public pop-up

    Genesis Centre

    7555 Falconridge Blvd N.E.

  • Tuesday, 11 March 2025

    01:00 pm to 3:30 pm

    Public pop-up

    Municipal Building, ground floor atrium

    800 Macleod Trail S.E.

  • Thursday, 13 March 2025

    09:00 am to 12:00 pm

    Public pop-up

    Municipal Building, ground floor atrium

    800 Macleod Trail S.E.

  • Thursday, 20 March 2025

    02:15 pm to 5:30 pm

    Targeted Engagement

    Business Advisory Committee Workshop

🛈Project Background

In recent years, The City has been piloting a variety of business-friendly construction approaches aimed at supporting businesses by mitigating potential challenges due to construction impacts and encouraging business patronage during construction.

These initiatives have included alternative parking solutions, dedicated business liaisons, impact assessments, improved directional signage and marketing campaigns. More information on The City’s business-friendly approaches can be found at

On March 19, 2024, City Council directed Administration to advance work on establishing a Business-Friendly Construction Policy and present the Policy to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee.

Through this project, we are refining business-friendly construction approaches and actively seeking input from Calgarians to help shape clear and effective policy objectives. These policy objectives will be focused on a common set of priorities and help guide The City’s overall approach to supporting businesses and their customers during planned City-led construction. As we implement the policy, we will continue to evaluate and report on progress.

❓Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • The policy will apply to planned City-led construction projects. City-led construction refers to projects delivered by The City of Calgary or its contractors. Some examples of City-led projects include sidewalk and pathway repairs, water utility upgrades, main street upgrades, and renovations to City-owned facilities. The policy will not apply to work by third-party utilities (e.g. power, telecommunications), private developers or projects led by other orders of government.
  • Throughout 2025, we will engage with the public to better understand the perspectives of businesses and Calgarians experiencing City-led construction. This will allow us to gather valuable ideas and input, ensuring that the policy objectives we develop are reflective of business and customer needs.
  • Business and customer feedback is important for shaping policy objectives that support our business community and their customers while enabling The City to continue investing in infrastructure and amenities for the benefit of all Calgarians.
  • Public feedback will help shape the policy objectives and inform how The City will work to achieve these objectives through the planning and delivery of City-led infrastructure projects.
  • Public feedback is just one of several inputs The City will consider in the development of Calgary’s Business-Friendly Construction Policy. A final recommendation will also be informed by technical requirements, City policies, budgets, research, and best practices.
  • The engagement process will take place over four phases from February 2025 to early 2026. The process will include a variety of opportunities such as surveys, focus groups, workshops and pop-up events. Details on upcoming engagement opportunities are available on this webpage.
  • The City is listening to a wide range of interest holders including businesses and their customers, construction industry partners and City Administration. This ensures the final policies are reflective of business and customer needs and practical to implement.
  • While developing and refining the draft policy and recommendations we will gather information on the potential budget impacts and costs associated. These findings will be presented to Infrastructure and Planning Committee to inform the decision-making process.

Inputs shaping the policy objectives:

The City is listening to a wide range of interest holders including businesses and their customers, construction industry partners and City Administration. This approach ensures the final policy recommendation is reflective of business and customer needs and practical to implement.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

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