During public engagement sessions in 2018 and 2019 focused on the 1 Avenue N.E. Main Streets area, we heard that people are in favour of adding a gateway to the community of Bridgeland-Riverside off Memorial Drive N. This gateway is seen as a way to enhance the sense of place, community character and provide a feeling of arrival. We heard that this could be a welcoming and distinguishing landmark for Bridgeland-Riverside and this is a high priority project for the community.

The gateway site that has been selected is the area under the 4 Avenue flyover between Edmonton Trail N.E. and 4 Street N.E. facing onto Memorial Drive N. as shown on the map (area inside pink outline).

Project Area

(Click image to enlarge)


The goals of this project include:

  1. Improving pedestrian safety by providing a well-lit space with barrier-free access and widened or new sidewalks that connect the community to adjoining areas including the river. The space will be inclusive, safe and equitable.
  2. Providing a welcoming gateway that attracts people to visit the Bridgeland-Riverside community.
  3. Celebrating the unique history and identity of the community through design elements. These may include art and educational signage or features.
  4. Ensuring the space is designed to last, is well-maintained and that it shows stewardship.
  5. Creating a sustainable urban landscape by using native plants and natural materials.


The project design elements that are being considered to enhance the space include:

  1. Maps and infographics that provide direction and information about the special attractions in the community.
  2. Art, images or signage that help tell the story of the culture and history of the area.
  3. Stand-alone gateway elements that are visible from a distance and may include lighting.
  4. Lighting elements that are designed to attract attention and are not just functional.
  5. Educational signage that tells the story of stormwater and sustainable water handling.
  6. Flyover art such as murals on the pillars or on the underside of the flyover.


Our vision for the Gateway presents us with the opportunities to:

  • Utilize the flyover structure and pillars for public art and wayfinding as creative gateway elements to the community of Bridgeland-Riverside;
  • Include a pedestrian promenade brought beneath the flyover structure away from Memorial Drive to improve quality and safety of experience;
  • Provide a rehabilitated open space between the flyover and Memorial Drive including planting islands filled with native vegetation and trees signifying the beginning of the Greenway along Edmonton Trail
  • Add pedestrian-scale light fixtures enhancing the safety and quality of the space for pedestrians travelling through the Gateway in shoulder seasons and at night

East Plaza Concept Design

East Anchor – Community Cultural Plaza

The East Anchor envisions a public art beacon continuing the language of Flyover Park. Flower-like elements inspired by other community artworks and “Bridgeland Love” would celebrate the community’s culture. Additionally, a wayfinding element would act as a distinctive map that identifies key landmarks and fun places to go in Bridgeland-Riverside.

West Plaza Concept Design

West Anchor – Heritage Plaza

The West Anchor recognizes the history of 4 Street NE as a route travelled by First Nations herding bison across the Bow River. This space would celebrate heritage through the use of sculptures, murals and engraved messages in the plaza rippling like the edges of the Bow River.


We’re committed to keeping you informed and up-to-date as this project progresses from design towards construction and beyond. We’ll be communicating with residents, property owners and businesses over the coming months to provide more detail about what we heard and the next steps.