About The Project

Closure of Bridgeland Place

In March 2021, Calgary City Council decided there was no viable option but to close Bridgeland Place. The recommendation was based on an asset management review and an evaluation of how best to serve current and future tenants, as well as the community. The building has dealt with significant operating challenges in recent years, including heating issues and interruptions in the water supply. Looking ahead, The City forecasts a high level of capital investment. The building is safe and habitable, but to address operating challenges requires substantial renovations that are not possible to do without significant negative impacts to tenants.

Calgary Housing Company continues to manage the building and will work with the residents and community to create and maintain a safe, secure, and well-managed property. We know this decision is disruptive to tenants; Calgary Housing Company is working very closely with tenants to support them through the closure and to transfer into other affordable housing options and provide supports to help with moving.

Public Engagement

The City is undertaking a feasibility study to analyze several factors in order to determine the best response to the closure of Bridgeland Place. Though the final recommendation for the site has not yet been determined, it is important to understand that it is a valuable asset for the City and the community, and that any housing that will be replaced on-site is likely to include a range of housing affordability, including affordable and market housing.

As part of this work, The City is engaging with the Bridgeland community to gather input that will help to inform potential outcomes for the site, including feedback about the site’s potential design elements and features, and the type of housing that will be replaced on the site. Consulting with residents to gather perspectives and concerns will help us better understand the community’s needs and values, and support our decision-making process. From April 4 to April 18, Bridgeland residents can provide feedback by answering a questionnaire at the Share Your Input section.

Engagement for this project is now closed. Thank you for your input. A What We Heard Report of the feedback provided can be found here as well as in the Document Library of this page.

Next Steps

Engagement results will be combined into a recommendation for City Council in Q2 summer, 2022. City Council will make the final decision on the outcome for Bridgeland Place and site. Due to the rules related to real estate transactions, the outcome of this decision cannot be made public until a later date, likely in 2023.

Future phases of the project will provide additional opportunities for community involvement and input once a general direction for the site is established by Council.

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