Project Background

Queensland Off Leash Dog Park, along Bow Bottom Trail near Canyon Meadows Drive has been identified for future development of a dry pond to prevent flooding along Bow Bottom Trail and nearby properties. During significant rainfall events, the roadway along Bow Bottom Trail towards Canyon Meadows Drive becomes impassable which creates a safety risk to drivers and people in the area.

A dry pond is primarily dry most of the time and has little impact on how the space is currently being used. Dry ponds are created to prevent the stormwater system from becoming overwhelmed and helps prevent water from backing up into basements or flooding into houses or businesses. It will also help to reduce street flooding which prevents damage to vehicles and other property. Dry ponds are equipped with multiple drains that help empty the water within one to six hours, depending on how much rain has fallen.

The existing berm will be replaced with a sound barrier wall and construction is expected to begin in 2027 for the duration of approximately four months.

Project Vision

We want to notify regular users of the Queensland Off Leash Dog Park about the dry pond development and gather feedback on what they currently enjoy about the space and what additional features would improve the usage of the area. We are looking to include minor enhancements such as waste bins or benches into the design. Our goal is to enhance the park’s natural environment while improving stormwater management. You can share your ideas and input during the first phase of engagement beginning November 22, 2024 until January 12, 2025.

Dry Ponds

The dry pond will reduce flooding during extreme rain events and provide temporary storage for stormwater during large rain events. Dry ponds rarely fill to its full capacity however, if it does, the pond should take a few hours to drain depending on the length of the storm.

Provide your Feedback!

Tell us what you envision for this park space.