About The Project
Bend in the Bow is a project name used by The City to encompass future open space improvements around Pearce Estate Park, the green spaces along the Bow River, IBS, and the Inglewood Wildlands. View the site map for a look at the open space study area. The name comes from the bends in the Bow River's course around Pearce Estate Park and the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary.
The goal of the project is to explore and address ways to connect the Wildlands and Bird Sanctuary with Pearce Estate Park, and to preserve, enhance and celebrate the natural environment, recreational opportunities and cultural heritage of the area. Throughout the engagement process, our external partners and the public gave us valuable feedback that helped shape the preferred concept for the project and uncover stories of the area.
Site Overview Maps
Note: Conceptual drawing and activities only - detailed design at a later date
Harvie Passage Facility Enhancement Plan: Additional features
Signage, Wayfinding & Amenities
The Harvie Passage Facility Enhancement Plan recommends the completion of wayfinding and signage plan as well as added amenities such as benches, garbage receptacles, and bike racks at key points around the park.
The Boathouse & Vehicular Access
The Harvie Passage Facility Enhancement Plan provides three options to locate a future boathouse. It also contemplates different options to enable limited vehicular access to the boathouse and boat launch.
Engagement History
Public engagement began in 2014 and carried into 2016. Read the What We Heard reports to learn more about engagement for the Bend in the Bow:
Phase 1: Report #1, Report #2, Wrap Up report
Phase 2: Report #1, Report #2, Wrap Up report
We wanted Bend in the Bow to tell stories of Calgary’s beginnings as a city. This area is where modern Calgary began, and it is rich in nature, history and culture. This park space will explore, celebrate and share those stories.
At the end of the process there were vision boards presented along with stories collected.
Review the grand vision presentation boards and read the stories for the Bend in the Bow.
We are planning to meet with various interest groups to review our current progress and plans. We want to hear from them about their opinions and suggestions on what we have done so far and how we can prioritize our tasks according to our objectives, vision and previous engagement. After we finish these meetings and make some adjustments, we will share more updates with the community.