The City is looking to foster opportunities for well used public spaces and places for citizens to connect and create urban vitality. Parks is currently developing a parcel of land at 936 16 Ave. S.W. into a vibrant public park space that can be well enjoyed and used by community members.
A feasibility study was completed and during Phase 1 of engagement we identified the design elements that we were looking for your input on. Your responses were used to help identify patterns of preference for various features in the park’s design. As a part of Phase 2 engagement, we then developed two park concept plans which we sought public feedback on. The feedback was then considered to help develop a preferred concept plan, which was then taken through the detailed design and permitting process at The City.
The final design of the park space takes into consideration the feedback that we have obtained to date from public engagement and balances that with City planning policies, bylaws, and priorities. Below you will find the preferred concept.
Park Final Concept
Why are we developing park space in the Beltline?
- The Beltline is considerably deficient in open park space. With a population of just over 23,000, and the majority living in multi-family residences, we need to take advantage of the open spaces we have in order to maximize its value.
What is the size of the space?
- The park space is 908 square metres (approx. 9,775 square feet).
Who owns the land that the park space is being built on?
- The land is owned by The City and is stewarded by Parks.
What determines what we can do with the site?
- This piece of land is designated as Special Purpose – Community Service District (S-CS) and everything that has be proposed on site is a “permitted use” for this type of land use designation.
Exactly how long will construction take?
- It is anticipated that the construction of the park space will be complete before the end of July 2021.
How much is this going to cost/where is the funding coming from?
- The construction budget for this project is 1 million dollars.
- Funding for this project comes from a mix of City funding as well as developer contributions.
How has our input be used?
- Your input has been used to identify preferences and patterns to help the project team create a park space that meets the communities' needs.
- Data and input has been collected based on the feedback from Phase 1 and Phase 2 public engagement; this feedback has helped us shape the final design concept.
Will there be a playground incorporated into the new park space?
- Due to size restrictions on site and proximity to several other playgrounds in the community, there will not be a playground incorporated into this space.
- Based on the feedback from the first engagement session The City understands the importance of play and has incorporated playful elements into the final design concept for the new park space.
- Thomson Family Park is located two blocks west of this park space, and is home to a large playground.
Will there be an off-leash area or dog park incorporated into the new park space?
- Due to size limitations on site and proximity to the designated off-leash area at Connaught Park - 1135 14 Ave S.W., which is about three blocks away, an off-leash area or fenced in dog park will not be incorporated into this park space.
Will there be a water feature in the new park space?
- Due to limitations on available funding for maintenance and excessive operation costs that are associated with life-cycling and regular upkeep as well as The City’s commitment to water conservation, no water feature will be implemented in this park space.
What approvals and permitting requirements are associated with this project?
- The City was required to take this project through the Development Liaison (DL) process. DL’s act as an urban design control for projects taking place on City of Calgary owned land. This project was also taken through The City’s Urban Design Review Panel (UDRP) and Calgary Planning Commission (CPC) to help guide and ensure that the development adheres to City Policy.
June 2019 Survey Questions
September 2019 Survey Questions
Please view the two concept images below, which will be used to answer questions 3, 4, 5, & 6 below.
During initial park construction cultural material was uncovered during soil stripping and excavation. While most materials were contemporary in nature (modern plumbing pipe, bricks, and plastic sign letters, etc.) a historic foundation and a large cast iron boiler were also unearthed. As required by law, the find was reported to the Historic Resources Management Branch of Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women. An Archaeologist was onsite to record information relating to the finds for submission to the province. The province then reviewed the remainder of the project plans and provided Historical Resources Act approval to proceed with construction activities, subject to Section 31 of the Act. This means that if additional cultural materials are encountered during the remainder of construction, construction activities will be halted until the province is contacted for further direction.
Archival research uncovered the history associated with the location of the future park space. Our earliest air photo taken in the 1920’s shows a long rectangular building at this address. The building persists until 1982 at which point it was demolished. The 1911 fire insurance maps show a garage under construction at this address. The 16” thick conglomerate basement foundation walls (found on site) are consistent with commercial construction of the time. The remains of the foundation walls form the southeast corner of the building framing a basement room that housed the boiler, surrounded by collapsed burnt framing timbers and flooring. Embossing on the boiler grates identifies the piece as a model S-36-7 Safford Boiler produced by the Dominion Radiator Company. The 1910 Dominion catalogue outlines the specifications of this model indicating the capacity to heat 3,150 sq. ft with a cost of $962.50. The J.F. Stone Motor Company operated the garage that used to be on site until at least 1919 during which time they sold new and used cars. In the 1920’s the site become Bell’s Garage which continued to sell cars, but also built custom automobiles. According to a Calgary Herald article, an explosion of a steam automobile in 1928 caused extensive fire damage to the front of Bell’s garage. Could those burnt timbers found during excavation be associated with that fire? Perhaps. In 1933 British Motors, which later became Mount Royal Motors, offered heated indoor storage for automobiles for the price of $5.00/month. While ownership changed, the location remained an autobody shop until the early 1980’s.
There was very little intact at the site and there is very little interpretive value. Every effort was made to find a home for the boiler; however, museums must consider numerous variables when looking at an acquisition: does the piece fit with their collection theme(s), is there display space, what are the curation costs, etc. When considering the incomplete state and the 6800lbs weight, it wasn’t feasible for the museums contacted to take the boiler into their collections. The grates will be conserved, but the boiler as a whole will be remediated and disposed of safely.
You can help preserve Calgary’s rich archaeological record by reporting any artifacts you may find. Whether found on public or private lands, under current legislation, the Province of Alberta owns all archaeological and palaeontological resources.
To learn more visit: Report an archaeological find | Alberta.ca
Thank you to everyone who shared their ideas and provided feedback.
A What We Heard, What We Did Report can be viewed here.