The City of Calgary has completed amendments, which are currently under review, to the Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP): Part 1.
As part of the amendment process, it was identified that a focus was needed to address the lack of open space in the area. As a result, the Beltline Parks and Public Realm Playbook was created. It looks at both adding to the existing stock of open space and increasing the quality of existing open space. The Playbook was originally expected to be part of the ARP appendices, but has now been made a separate stand-alone doc: Beltline Parks and Public Realm Playbook - 2023 June copy.
The original Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP): Part 1(unamended) creates policies that will guide future development of the Beltline community. The Beltline ARP was adopted by City Council on May 15, 2006. Part 2 of the Beltline ARP was amended in 2019 to support the realization of a Master Plan vision to create a cultural and entertainment district in Calgary. Over the last 15 years, the area has experienced significant growth, transforming into a vibrant diverse community. A number of projects are contributing to the need for ARP amendments, including a new Greater Downtown Plan, the 17 Avenue S. extension project and the arrival of the Green Line.
This phase of the Beltline ARP: Part 1 project’s purpose is to update the plan to align with current approved policies such as the Municipal Development Plan and the Greater Downtown Plan. Anticipated are updates to the Bonus Density provisions, a new Parks and Open Space section and language updates throughout the Plan to ensure alignment with current City Policies.
What is an ARP?
An Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) is a long-range planning document that is developed collaboratively between City staff and targeted engagement work. A statutory plan which is approved by City Council, an ARP outlines a vision and policy for a specific community, and provides alignment with regulations set out in the Municipal Government Act. An ARP also directs the redevelopment, preservation or rehabilitation of existing lands and buildings, generally within developed areas of the city.
- Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan: Part 2 Phase 1 policy work on the East Beltline Area (East Victoria Park) - Approved in 2019
- Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan: Part 1 Phase 2 policy work on the West Beltline Area (Connaught & western portion of Victoria Park) – Draft 2023 December for external review
The Phase 2 policy work includes the western portion of the Beltline community. This plan provides policy to support a mixed-use high density community.
Through multiple iterations of draft policy, The City is has collecting feedback from community and industry members about the proposed Amendments to Part 1 of the Plan and incorporated them into changes and revisions in this final draft. A summary of the targeted engagement will be included in the reports to Committee and Council.
The project team presented the final version of the amended Plan and Playbook to Infrastructure and Planning Committee on February 21, 2024. IPC approved the recommendation and advanced the amended Plan and Playbook to Council for a Public Hearing April 9, 2024. For copies of the report, draft documents, video of the meeting and minutes, go to https://www.calgary.ca/council/meetings/agenda-minutes.html and select Past Meetings>Infrastructure and Planning Commitee>Wednesday, February 21, 2024 @ 9:30 AM>Item 7.1 Amendments to the Beltline Area Redevelopment Plan and Land Use Bylaw 1P2007, IP2024-0152.