Phase 2 of engagement is now closed.

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We want your input

    • Below you'll find the draft vision statement, draft core ideas, and the draft Land Use Concept.
    • Please review each section carefully and answer the questions that follow.
    • There are three sections, and three sets of questions.
    • Please ensure to click 'submit' following each of the 3 sections.

1. Draft Vision

What do we mean by a draft vision?

Statutory documents such as Area Structure Plans (ASPs) set the vision for how a plan area would develop over time. A vision statement is intended to articulate the future of a community. The tone and emphasis of a vision statement informs policy formulation, and is the foundation upon which an ASP is further built upon and drafted.

2. Draft Core Ideas

The core ideas represent a framework to build out the final area structure plan policies, and provide more detail on the themes described in the draft vision statement.

Click to expand each idea below and read more about the draft core ideas for the Aurora ASP.

Capitalize on investment in higher-order transit infrastructure to provide increased mobility choices for citizens, promote a vibrant and connected community, and provide more opportunities to live, work, and play within proximity to transit.

Enhance community diversity and sustainability by providing a range of housing opportunities that will support affordable home ownership and rental opportunity and ensure that residents of all ages can remain within the community.

Encourage sustainable design solutions by creating neighbourhoods where energy and resource use are minimized and building designs incorporate green building methods and alternative energy solutions, including district energy.

Create a high degree of connectivity for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders and motorists within and beyond the neighbourhood. Residents and visitors to the community will enjoy active and healthy lifestyles through visible and physically accessible open space corridors throughout the Plan Area and along Nose Creek.

Identify areas of the plan that are geographically, cultural and environmentally significant. Call out past and current events that are relevant and important for Calgarians and Albertans. Leverage the unique attributes of the area and the site’s history to create a sense of place, deepen understanding and strengthen the community’s identity.

3. Draft Land Use Concept

The draft land use concept shows high level locations of proposed land uses within the area structure plan boundary area.

This concept is to demonstrate the areas proposed for mixed use, employment, residential, institutional and commercial development. The allocations of these land uses vary depending on the location, context, market demand, environment and infrastructure within and outside of the plan area.

Aurora ASP Draft LUC

Aurora Area Structure Plan Draft Land Use Concept