In March 2017, a Land Use Amendment Application was submitted for multiple properties located in the 1600 block of 33 Avenue S.W. (1602-1624 33 Avenue S.W.). The application proposed to redesignate (rezone) the properties to allow for a mixed-use, multi-residential development with a maximum building height of 18 metres (4-5 storeys) and a maximum of 80 dwelling units. More information regarding the application can be found here.

On August 2, City Administration presented the application to City Council during its scheduled Public Hearing. During this meeting, Council approved:

  • Amending the land use to MU-1f2.55h15 District, which would facilitate a four storey development. The maximum number of units will be explored further at the development permit stage of the application.
  • Amending the South Calgary/Altadore Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) to create a new land use of Community Mid-Rise, with associated text and land use map amendments.

The minutes for this Council Meeting are available here.

Land Use Amendment Application Areas


Thank you to those of you who provided your input regarding the proposed Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) amendments. Your feedback has been included in the What We Heard report.