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This Working Group will provide feedback on heritage guidelines so that new development complements identified heritage assets within the West Elbow area. Learn more below.

The opportunity to apply for the working group was open from Sept. 19 to Oct. 24, 2023. Successful applicants were notified on Nov. 14, 2023.

This Working Group will provide feedback on heritage guidelines, so that new development complements identified heritage assets within the West Elbow area, sometimes known as character homes.

The Working Group includes a range of people with diverse backgrounds, perspectives and experiences with an interest in heritage assets, including:

17 general community members

  • Community members participate in dialogue as it pertains to someone who lives in the area and brings lived-in community perspectives and viewpoints to the table, and acts as a sounding board for The City.

8 community association representatives

  • Community association representatives provide insight as community experts and bring forward the perspectives of their community association.

3 heritage advocacy group representatives

  • Heritage advocacy group representatives provide insight as experts in raising awareness and appreciation, identifcation, research and policy development with respect to buildings and areas of historic significance.

3 development industry representatives

  • Development industry representatives are expected to bring knowledge and perspectives of the development industry as a whole and not to speak about an individual parcel(s) they may have interest in.

In total, there are 31 people on the West Elbow Communities Heritage Guidelines Working Group.

The Heritage Working Group will participate in four to five focused workshops over approximately 12 months.

The Heritage Guidelines will help ensure new development respects the historic character of existing homes and positively contributes to the ongoing historic nature of these areas. When the Guidelines are in place, any plans to build or renovate homes within the boundaries must meet the Heritage Guidelines.

The intent is that the Heritage Guidelines will address general characteristics of buildings rather than enforcing strict architectural rules. Although the design of new development needs to be sensitive to and respect existing heritage assets, the intent of the Heritage Guidelines is not to require new development to have a historic appearance or to prevent redevelopment. Instead, the Heritage Guidelines are written to encourage modern development that is highly contextual and echoes the past context established by existing heritage assets.

Communities in Calgary have sought these types of area-based heritage conservation tools for a long time. In July 2020, Council approved a series of conservation tools and incentives to offer that area-based approach. More information on the Heritage Guidelines will be released along with opportunities to provide feedback as the plan is further developed.

Heritage assets are privately owned structures, typically constructed before 1945, that significantly retain their original form, scale, massing, window/door pattern and architectural details or materials.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Feedback collected in each working group session will be shared in the What We Heard Reports.

Concentrations of heritage assets have been identified in 10 communities in the West Elbow Local Area Plan: Bankview, Cliff Bungalow, Elbow Park, Mission, Roxboro, Rideau Park, Scarboro, South Calgary, Sunalta, and Upper Mount Royal.