As the Southwest BRT is built The City will be landscaping areas at 75 Avenue S.W., Glenmore Trail and Crowchild Trail, and 90 Avenue S.W. Some of the typical vegetation used when The City landscapes green spaces includes variety of trees, shrubs and grasses. Some of the species integrated into the landscaping for the Southwest BRT include aspen, elm, balsam poplar, flowering crabapple, white spruce, dogwood, willow, rose and sedges.

There is a focus on using a variety of species suited for each location to reduce water and maintenance requirements. The landscaping and species selections for each location provide shade along pathways and stations, and provide screening along areas closer to houses.


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Landscape Design: Glenmore and Crowchild

We’re using low impact development (LID) strategies to capture and retain storm water runoff into naturalized landscape areas. Vegetation will be selected that’s appropriate to Calgary’s varied climate and can thrive throughout the seasons. Coniferous buffer plantings are being proposed along the slope to reduce sight lines to the residential back yards.

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Landscape Design: 90 Avenue S.W.

Canopy trees line the boulevard to create shade and cool down the paving areas. Canopy trees help define space and allow clear sight lines for pedestrians and vehicle traffic. Grading requirements for the new lanes may produce additional fill that could be used for low land forming and berms along the boulevard for a more interesting and dynamic landscape. West of the route will be rehabilitated as an open lawn for possible future development expansion in this area.

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Landscape Design: 75 Avenue S.W.

With a new pathway ramp being developed to the pedestrian overpass, there is an opportunity to relocate the recently planted trees to align with the new pathway. Canopy trees around the bus stop help define space while allowing clear sight lines for pedestrians. Site grading may create opportunities for low landforms along 14 Street boulevard to create a dynamic landscape augmented by groupings of aspen and spruce. Flowering trees and shrubs will provide colour accents near the intersection to create seasonal interest.

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