The Southwest BRT will run between Woodbine and downtown Calgary, providing direct connections to major destinations such as Southland Leisure Centre, Glenmore Landing, Heritage Park, Rockyview Hospital, Mount Royal University, Lincoln Park, Currie Barracks, and Marda Loop.

The way people connect from their homes to the BRT stations is an important part of their commute. The City wants to know what connections may be missing to make it easier for residents to get to where they’re going.

Are there crosswalks, sidewalks, or pathway connection locations that would make it easier for you to get to a BRT station? We’re looking for your input on how to provide efficient, reliable transit service to Calgarians.

Route Map and Station Locations



Feedback is now closed. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

Below are a series of maps where people were able to provide feedback. The Southwest BRT route has been broken out into five maps where stations are clustered. The circled areas on the map show a 600 metre area around each station, which is about an ten minute walk.

We were looking for feedback to help identify key considerations the project team should know about related to enhancing connectivity to the BRT stations.

How can we enhance connectivity for people who will walk and bike to Southwest BRT stations?

City Centre (CC)

We encourage you to provide feedback that is respectful, and provides input that is on-topic as we work towards the final design of the Southwest BRT. Keep in mind that submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude, or contain personal information about any of the participants or City staff are subject to removal. Please review the Moderation Policy for additional information.

Zoom in, then click the red bar below to add a pin and comment.

Currie Barracks (1) / Mount Royal University (2)

We encourage you to provide feedback that is respectful, and provides input that is on-topic as we work towards the final design of the Southwest BRT. Keep in mind that submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude, or contain personal information about any of the participants or City staff are subject to removal. Please review the Moderation Policy for additional information.

Zoom in, then click the red bar below to add a pin and comment.

Rockyview Hospital (3) / Heritage Park (4) / Glenmore Landing (5)

We encourage you to provide feedback that is respectful, and provides input that is on-topic as we work towards the final design of the Southwest BRT. Keep in mind that submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude, or contain personal information about any of the participants or City staff are subject to removal. Please review the Moderation Policy for additional information.

Zoom in, then click the red bar below to add a pin and comment.

Southland Drive / Anderson Road S.W. (6, 7 & 8)

We encourage you to provide feedback that is respectful, and provides input that is on-topic as we work towards the final design of the Southwest BRT. Keep in mind that submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude, or contain personal information about any of the participants or City staff are subject to removal. Please review the Moderation Policy for additional information.

Zoom in, then click the red bar below to add a pin and comment.

Woodbine (9 & 10)

We encourage you to provide feedback that is respectful, and provides input that is on-topic as we work towards the final design of the Southwest BRT. Keep in mind that submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude, or contain personal information about any of the participants or City staff are subject to removal. Please review the Moderation Policy for additional information.

Zoom in, then click the red bar below to add a pin and comment.