Project background
In 2012, City Council approved the West Springs Area Structure Plan (ASP), an initiative that directly impacts the infrastructure within the study area. The Plan explores ways to enhance safety within the ASP and to improve traffic flow at the intersection and corridors in the surrounding area, including the possible expansion of both the Sarcee Trail and Bow Trail corridors.
This study
Currently, our focus is conducting a functional planning study to validate the recommendations made in the ASP. This study is an important step in ensuring that the supporting infrastructure aligns with the ASP development and the community's needs and priorities.
In previous years, The City has implemented improvements to help mitigate issues such as traffic congestion and safety in the area. This includes the 2022 construction of a U-Turn lane on the east leg of the Bow Trail S.W. and Sarcee Trail S.W. intersection. This functional planning study is the next step in planning for long-term solutions.
The study aims to address short and long-term infrastructure needs in West Calgary through potential road, pathway, and intersection improvements, focusing on network connectivity for all users of the area.
Study goals:
- Exploring the feasibility of intersection and roadway improvements along Sarcee Trail S.W. and Bow Trail S.W.
- Upgrading pathways to improve safety, accessibility, and connectivity for everyone in the area.
- Determining preferred interchange options that integrate with the adjacent neighborhoods and the S.W. roadway network.
- Reviewing the traffic volumes at the intersection of Bow Trail and Old Banff Coach Road S.W., to determine if land previously reserved for a potential interchange is still necessary.
Study area maps and design constraints
Existing constraints in the study area will be taken into consideration when developing concept options and selecting a preferred plan for the interchange and corridor upgrades, including:
- Major utilities within the study area will need to be incorporated in the design or potentially moved to accommodate the new or upgraded infrastructure.
- The interchange design may require the temporary access road (Strathcona Hill S.W.) to be closed at Bow Trail S.W to accommodate the new infrastructure.
Public engagement process
From Spring 2024 to Winter 2025 we will be engaging with interest holders and the public to gather feedback to develop design concepts, and a preferred plan for the study area.
The engagement process for the study will be conducted in three phases:
How your feedback will be used
Public input is essential for creating a functional plan that aligns with community needs. However, technical data, policies, budgets, and best practices will also inform the plan.
Reporting back
In Fall 2024, we’ll share a report summarizing the feedback we received during Phase 1: Discover. This report will inform the project team’s work to prepare for Phase 2: Explore, where we will share design concept options for public feedback.
For each project phase, we’ll create a dedicated “What We Heard” report, ensuring that we build on insights from one phase to the next. Through our reporting process we will also share how public input influenced the design concept options and the preferred plan.
Next steps
Once the Phase 1 public engagement process is complete, The City will review feedback from interest holders and public feedback and use it to develop concept options for the interchange and corridors.
The concept options will be presented to the public for feedback in Winter 2024.
Project funding
It is important to note that this project did not receive any construction funding in The City’s 2023-2026 Service Plans and Budgets.
Provide your feedback!
Open April 9 - 29, 2024