About the Short-Term Rental Study

The City of Calgary and the University of Calgary are collaborating on a multi-year study of Calgary's short-term rental (STR) market through the Urban Alliance partnership. Our goals are to gain an in-depth understanding of Calgary’s STR market and the challenges and opportunities it presents, and to use this knowledge to recommend an updated regulatory approach for STRs that:

  • is flexible, effective and transparent.
  • addresses current and emerging challenges.
  • aligns with City priorities related to housing, land use, economic development, downtown revitalization, equity, hospitality and tourism.

Public engagement is a key component of this research. Calgarians and interested parties have the opportunity to share experiences and provide feedback during two phases of engagement. Phase 1 (Fall 2023) was focused on understanding public attitudes about the STR market and its various impacts, pressures, and benefits. Phase 2 is now underway.

To learn more about the Short-Term Rental Study, including what else the study team has been working on, click here. You can also access research that we’ve already completed in the Document Library on this page.

Why we're studying STRs

Calgary first introduced STR regulations in February 2020. Since then, the STR market has evolved and grown, and broader social and economic shifts have created new pressures and priorities for our city. We need to understand these changes and their implications. We also need to be able to adjust to and keep pace with them.

At the same time, our understanding of how to adapt and fine-tune policy approaches has improved: as Canadian cities have gained more experience with the STR market and implemented regulations, we’ve learned what works, what doesn’t, and where policy innovation is still needed.

All of this means that it is an ideal time to undertake a comprehensive study of Calgary’s STR market and the current regulatory framework.

How you can participate

Your knowledge and ideas make our research better. To ensure the Short-Term Rental Study incorporates the insights and concerns of Calgarians and interested parties, we are conducting two phases of engagement.

Phase 1 is now closed. It ran from October 19 to December 31, 2023 and asked questions about:

  • How you participate in the short-term rental market;
  • How short-term rentals impact you; and
  • What you see as current and future concerns.

We also heard from interested parties through interviews and focus groups.

Phase 2 is now underway. Please answer the questions below. This engagement opportunity will close on September 30, 2024.

What we'll do with your input

The reports from the first and second phases of public engagement, along with the research data from the University of Calgary, will inform City Administration on the recommendations to present to Council later this year.

Click here to read the Phase 1 What We Heard Report or access it under Document Library.