The map below shows all the playgrounds in the area, with the hotspot (animated) icon for the location we are seeking your feedback on. Please refer to the maps and images to gain a better sense of location and equipment currently in the space then give your input as to how it can look after the lifecycle work is complete.


With this playground location we are trying to get s sense of how often it is being used in it's current state. With its proximity to the dog park and to the Telus Spark Centre we would like to evaluate options for this space.

Quick Poll

How often have you visited this space to use as a playground?

This poll has concluded.

  • never
    13% (4 votes)
  • 1-5 X in past year
    47% (14 votes)
  • 5-15 X in the past year
    30% (9 votes)
  • more than 15 X in past year
    7% (2 votes)
  • didn't know it existed
    3% (1 vote)
Total Votes: 30

Engagement period has now closed please check back here for a What We Heard report.

Thank you for your time and interest.

Thank you for your time and input on the possible future of this park space. We will evaluate responses along with parks planning and budget availability to make our decisions which we will report back to you on this page prior to work commencing.

To return to the main Playground Lifecycle Page please click here.