Phase 1 [DISCOVER & DISCUSS] was about looking to get a better understanding of the local area and your communities. Gaining a better understanding of everything that makes your community tick helps the project team proactively explore ideas with your aspirations, concerns and viewpoints in mind. This phase was open from October 16 through to November 25.

Through phase one, there were five topics for discussion.

  1. Community Values: What do you love about your community & the area?
  2. Areas for Improvement: What needs to change?
  3. Focus Areas: Where should growth happen?
  4. Hopes & Fears: What scares you & what are your big ideas?
  5. The Past: What has The City already heard?

As part of engagement for phase one:

  • 18 in-person events or meetings for the public & targeted stakeholders in addition to broad online engagement
  • 300,000 people made aware of this phase through communications program
  • We connected with over 6,300 participants online or in-person.
  • A total of over 1,300 contributions were received

You can click through the feedback tabs below to see what your neighbours had to say.

The What We Heard Report summarizing phase one engagement, can be found here.

LEARN MORE. Haven't had a chance to review the project details yet? Please ensure that you return to the PROJECT MAIN PAGE or the DISCOVER PAGE to get up-to-speed on what we are doing.



We want to hear what you love about your community and the area. Tell us about the hidden gems. What are the assets that exist in your community? What makes your community unique and contributes to its character? Why do you love the area? Tell us a story and feel free to include photos of your the things you love.

68 contributions

Human corridor linking communities

I love that this area is inner city, yet has a major watershed going through it from Nose Hill all the way to Nose Creek. This corridor, used by humans and wildlife for millenia, would have connected Nose Hill to the Bow River and Elbow River systems and been a part of human travel for time immemorial. I love that this link to our past was commemorated in the restoration of the watershed in Confederation Park to celebrate Canada's centennial, and that the rest of the watershed perahaps awaits…


Perfect lifestyle

We have lived in Renfrew for about 8 years and love how it’s evolving to be a bit more clean cut but still retain a trendy quality. We are excited to see the improvements on Edmonton Trail and hope to see more new buildings which fill in empty lots or decaying buildings. We love that there are trendy independent restaurants and shops. Being able to walk downtown to work or cycle to East Village is wonderful. We love the trees and friendly neighbourhood vibe, plus proximity to alternative…


Diversity, Friendly

We have lived in this community for 30 years. I love it. There is a diversity of living accommodations and a diversity of people, old and young, families and singles, and lots of dogs. People are friendly, people are out, this is a walking community not a commuting community I believe there is great opportunity to belong. I want to keep the diversity and ensure that there continues to be single family homes as well as multi family residences. My favorite meeting place is rotary park full of…


Varied Housing Options, Community, Services, & Greenery

I love where these communities are going with varied housing options, moving away from expensive single-family monopolies, while retaining the existing old growth green canopies. As the retail and restaurants on Centre St., Edmonton Trail, and 16th ave are slowly upgrading and modernizing it's becoming a community where you can walk, ride, or transit everywhere, which is why we bought into the neighbourhood. We bought for the vision it's heading towards of density, local services, and…


Reimagining community

I love my neighborhood and seeing it transform over the past 6 years since I've moved here. The densification is done mindfully and the businesses around them are doing well. If you build it they will come. Adding parking on Edmonton trail in Renfrew is making the area have a Kensington like feel. Seeing new townhome complexes, garage suites, apartment buildings with businesses in them and the plans for COOP are all very exciting and will bring a youthful vibrancy to the community but also…


Inner city with family-friendly feel

Crescent Heights is close to everything - walk to work, great restaurants a stroll away, even beautiful greenery and family friendly parks (dogs are family :-)). But the best thing about the area is that neighbours know and look out for each other. We shovel each other's snow, we stop and chat on the corner, we gather on the street for neighbour night drinks. By not flooding the area with high density housing, we've managed to keep a neighbour feel and keep attracting young families.


Love mixed community outdoor living feel

Have lived in Capitol Hill for a decade - selected to be close to work and schools. Was puzzled early on to see people walking in the road, but have come to love that out community is so active and streets (ours anyway) quiet enough neighbours can get together to walk in groups larger than sidewalks can accommodate! We are a beautiful little gem of mixed longtime residents with newcomers and renters. Proximity to great post secondary schools means young people. I love watching our new young…


Large yards, innovative people.

I love the big lots here and how much you can grow here. My garden is spectacular every year and we get so much enjoyment out of it without having to leave home. Our neighbors are fantastic, always going the extra mile to help each other out when needed. My husband is ill so it really makes my day when I get a hand with snow removal! It's also a very innovative community, we even have an adult playground... Did you know that?! There is so much within walking distance, we've lived here for 15…



How will the input collected be used?

All data collected through this phase will be analyzed by The City and shared with the Multi-Community Working Group. The Working Group and The City will come together to prioritize the themes heard from citizens and this information will be used to inform the next stages of project planning.

The feedback collected in phase one will help:

  • determine a vision for the area;
  • set focus areas to be discussed & analyzed in future phases;
  • improve understanding of community priorities & concerns;
  • identify what project details & educational materials need to be shared in future phases.

All feedback collected will also help shape our engagement processes and future phases of dialogue, to allow for an iterative process.

Your feedback will be summarized in a What We Heard Report and this will be shared with the community before we return for phase two of engagement - ENVISION, in Winter 2019.

In phase two, our engagement will include multiple engagement opportunities including: community wide sessions, pop-up events, targeted workshops and online dialogue.


Tell us what you think of this engagement opportunity. Select the option that best describes your experience.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.