This page is now closed for input.
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About the Project
Project Description
As part of the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy, the area surrounding North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre will be improved with a new outdoor programmable space, new sidewalks and pathway connections and a redesigned accessible community garden. North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre will also be equipped with a new accessible pottery wheel.
We would like your help in evaluating these potential changes and improvements.
This project is part of the Established Areas Growth and Change Strategy, a program that provides funding to support short-term (1-3 years) public realm improvement projects in established communities where growth and change are happening.
Sidewalks and Pathway
We plan to construct significant missing connections such as sidewalks and a pathway in a collaborative effort to increase accessibility, improve safety and create connectivity.
New sidewalks and pathway missing links:
- 25th Ave. between Seventh & Ninth St. N.W.
- 24th Ave. & 25th Ave. between Fourth & Fifth St. N.W.
- Sidewalk and pathway connecting Seventh St. to 27th Ave. N.W.
- 26th Ave. between Fourth & Fifth St. N.W. (south side of Arts Centre)
- 23rd Ave. between Ninth & 10th St. N.W.
- Ninth St. from 24th Ave. to 23rd Ave.
Share your Input - CLOSED
Provide Your Feedback
Two possible design options for the area have been developed based on feedback collected from key stakeholders. We would like your help in identifying the layout that is most preferable.
Click on each of the images below to view the options. then provide your feedback below.
Be sure to click the "Submit" at the bottom.
Design Options
Share Your Input
Next Steps
Results from engagement related to North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre Area Improvements will be used to determine the final design.
The What We Heard Report is now available to read.
Find more info on the North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre Area Improvements.
If you have questions about the project, please contact 3-1-1.