The City is now taking a multi-community approach to local area planning. With that in mind, future discussions about growth and redevelopment in Inglewood and Ramsay (started through the Historic East Calgary Local Area Plan process) will continue with surrounding communities when re-launched as a part of local area planning for Area 7.
For future updates, please visit
Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan
Summer 2021 update
The draft plan has been updated based on feedback we received during the last round of engagement. View the updated draft plan and the What We Heard Report from sessions held in February 2021.
After carefully considering the comments the project team received through the public engagement on certainty for the Heritage Conservation Tools and Incentives work in commercial areas, we are revisiting the timing and scope of the Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan (LAP).
We want to acknowledge the considerable effort citizens have contributed to the LAP. We will update this web page with the revised draft LAP, for record, based on the public engagement that occurred.
Moving forward, the LAP will be on pause. Administration will continue to review development applications submitted through our Corporate Planning Applications Group.
Proposed Timelines
Once the Heritage Conservation Tools and Incentives work on commercial areas is completed, we will revisit the schedule for re-launching the LAP, as part of the Area 7 multi-community Local Area Plan (AREA 7). Area 7 will include the communities Alyth Bonnybrook, Burns Industrial, Highfield, Inglewood, Manchester Industrial (northern portion) and Ramsay. For future updates, please visit aim of this project is to create a local area plan for the communities of Ramsay, Inglewood and the surrounding local area. The local area plan will outline a long-term vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the area – building on the vision, goals and policies outlined in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan and the Guidebook for Great Communities.
An overview of the project history (including previous draft plans and engagement summaries) can be found within the “Previous Plans & Engagement” tab.
A local area plan identifies and guides where and how future growth and (re)development should happen within a specific area. A local area plan aims to integrate and enhance the existing fabric of the area and ensure the area is vibrant and thriving in the future.
A local area plan includes the following sections, aiming to answer the accompanying question and includes the associated key components:
- Visualizing growth – What is the vision for the area? (vision and core ideas)
- Enabling growth – What type of growth makes sense where and what local/custom direction is needed to realize great development in this area? (future growth concept and development policies)
- Supporting growth – What investments are needed to support growth? (future infrastructure and amenity goals/objectives).
When a neighbourhood reaches an age and stage when revitalization and redevelopment naturally starts to happen, a local area plan is a helpful tool to have in place. A local area plan encapsulates a future vision for the area and provides development direction that residents, landowners, builders/developers, City Planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners within the area.
June 2021 Draft Plan
The Draft Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan represents ideas generated through a planning process that is now on pause. Please refer to the applicable statutory area redevelopment plan for development directions.
Draft Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan (June 2021)
The draft plan has been updated based on feedback we received during the last round of engagement. View the updated draft plan from June 2021 and the What We Heard Report from sessions held in February 2021.
February 2021 Draft Plan
Draft Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Plan (February 2021)
The February Draft Historic East Calgary Communities Local Area Pan (Feb 2021) utilized the refined Guidebook for Great Communities and provided additional local-specific guidance and direction.
This version of the draft local area plan built on the 2018 draft of the Historic East Calgary Area Redevelopment Plan and considered numerous opportunities for feedback that have been gather over the past years including:
- Proposed Guidebook for Great Communities – 2021
- Stakeholder Summary Report – September 2020
- B&A Planning Group recommendations - November 2019
Engagement Session Details (January 2019):
This draft was intended to be read with the Guidebook for Great Communities (, now superseded by the Guide for Local Area Planning. The draft LAP also aligned with the template developed as part of the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan pilot.
2018 Draft Plan
In May 2018, the Draft Inglewood Area Redevelopment Plan and Draft Ramsay Area Redevelopment Plan were merged. This version of the draft plan was based on the Developed Areas Guidebook (now superseded by the Guidebook for Great Communities). The planning and engagement process undertaken in both communities up to the decision to merge had been consistent. Prior to the merge, the draft content for each plan began to share many similarities and common policies. Merging the two plans into one came with many benefits including:
- Creating stronger linkages between communities and to key amenities and infrastructure.
- Allowing for better identification of common issues, opportunities and solutions.
- Enabling a more holistic discussion about where and how new growth should happen across a larger geographic area.
- Including a broader citizen and stakeholder perspective in each plan.
Input that informed changes and updates to the 2018 version of the plan:
- Inglewood ARP - What We Heard Report - February 2018
- Ramsay ARP - What We Heard Report - February 2018
Draft Historic East Calgary ARP (May 2018)
2017 Draft Plan
In 2016 The City of Calgary started work on new Area Redevelopment Plans (ARPs) for the communities of Ramsay and Inglewood (along with other communities that will be home to Green Line LRT stations). Area Redevelopment Plans were initiated for these communities as they are expected to see increased development in the future due the natural life cycles that buildings and communities go through as well as due to the addition of the Green Line. Input received through the Green Line engagement (2015) was reviewed and expanded upon through subsequent public engagement in 2016 (below).
- Inglewood & Ramsay ARP - Engagement Summary - April 2016
- Inglewood & Ramsay ARP - Engagement Summary - February 2016
The public input collected in both 2015 and 2016 helped inform the initial draft Area Redevelopment Plans for Inglewood and Ramsay.
Draft Inglewood Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP)
Draft Ramsay Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP)
2015 – Initial Discussions
Three public information sessions were held in January 2015 connected to the Green Line Project. The purpose of these sessions was to inform interested stakeholders and citizens about:
- the upcoming engineering and design work to be done
- land use studies to be conducted (i.e. the future/forthcoming Inglewood Area Redevelopment Plan and Ramsay Area Redevelopment Plan projects)
- outline how interested citizens can be involved in the process.
Green Line engagement summary:
In addition, a design charrette was conducted as part of the transit-oriented development (TOD) study focusing on the Inglewood-Ramsay and 26 Avenue S.E. station areas. Documentation from the design Charette can be found below:
February 2021 Engagement Questions