If you prefer, you can submit a question or comment through video. Text comments and questions will be received and considered equally. Video is just another option.

Some things to keep in mind when submitting a video

  • We recommend to keep videos under two minutes in length
  • Videos will be posted on the City of Calgary's "Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)" playlist on YouTube. It is a public playlist and can be viewed by anyone
  • Videos must follow the guidelines listed in the disclaimers below. Please read both disclaimers before submitting your video

Video Submission Disclaimer

Please note that all videos submitted will be shared publicly on The City of Calgary’s BRT playlist on YouTube. All videos will be shared publicly unless deemed irrelevant or inappropriate. If at any point you want your video to be removed, please email BRT@calgary.ca and identify which video you want to be removed. Only the original provider of the video will be granted permission to request its removal.

Comment Submission Guidelines

Feedback provided is moderated to ensure a productive, positive and respectful space for everyone. All questions and comments are welcome but keep in mind that the submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude or dismissive of others ideas are subject to removal. If you disagree with an idea or comment you are encouraged to have a discussion about the content and to do so in a way that is respectful and talks about the ideas not the person.

Submit Your Video

There are two ways to submit your video:

  1. Send a video file (e.g. .avi, .mp4) that is under 20 MB. Click the red button below to send us your video file
  2. Send us a link to a video that you have already uploaded to YouTube. Click the red button below to send us your video link