We'd like your feedback on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) station features. You'll find some information about this topic and the opportunity to provide feedback below.

BRT Station Features

The BRT stations are designed to meet the Calgary Transit Customer commitment. Similar to LRT stations the BRT stations are designed to last. Some features are standard to most BRT stations, such as benches, trash and recycling receptacles, and system maps.

Other features are more dependent on the needs of the customer yet need to be respectful of the location and context of the neighbourhood. We learned from RouteAhead (2012) that Calgarians would be interested in features like real-time traveller information, heated shelters, and security cameras and help phones.

Not all BRT stations in Calgary will have the same features. Generally the stations will share a similar look and feel, but station design and size for each route and each location will vary. Feature will be included in stations based on the needs of the customer yet need to be respectful of the location and context of the neighbourhood.

We want to know what is most important to you, as a transit customer or member of the community. We're seeking input on:

  • Look and feel (canopy design)
  • Shelter from weather
  • Real-time traveller information
  • Heated shelters
  • Bright and well lit stations
  • Security features (e.g. security cameras and help phones)
  • Transit ticket vending machines
  • Bike storage

What do you think?

How important is the look and feel of the stations?
How important is it to have real-time traveller information?
How important is it to have shelter from the weather?
How important is it to have heated shelters?
How important is it to have bright and well-lit stations?
How important is it to have security features?

Security features include things like security cameras and help phones

How important is it to have ticket vending machines?
How important is it to have bike storage?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Do you have any other comments or questions about BRT station features?

Comment Submission Guidelines

Feedback provided is moderated to ensure a productive, positive and respectful space for everyone. All questions and comments are welcome but keep in mind that the submissions are being moderated and any comments that are insulting, rude or dismissive of others ideas are subject to removal. If you disagree with an idea or comment you are encouraged to have a discussion about the content and to do so in a way that is respectful and talks about the ideas not the person.

This forum is monitored 24/7 to ensure all submissions comply with the above Comment Submission Guidelines. Questions will only be monitored and addressed during regular business hours. Thank you for your understanding.

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