The What We Heard Report from Phase 1 is now available here.
The City of Calgary is working on several projects that will guide the future of the 50 Avenue S.E. corridor. These include the Chinook Communities Local Area Plan (LAP), the Central Bus Maintenance Storage Facility (MSF) Study, and the 50 Avenue Functional Planning Study (FPS).
During Phase 1 of engagement for the 50 Avenue S.E. Functional Planning Study, we heard that the public wants a more complete understanding of the impacts of these connected projects. To address this, we’re adjusting the 50 Avenue S.E. FPS public engagement timelines to better align with the other adjacent projects. We will continue to collect data and conduct technical reviews as part of our study in the coming months. This way, we’ll have more comprehensive updates to share during Phase 2 public engagement, anticipated to begin in Spring 2025.
The City of Calgary is planning for the future of 50 Avenue SE (between MacLeod Trail and Deerfoot Trail) by doing a Functional Planning Study. This study will create a plan to improve transportation connections in the area to meet future mobility and growth needs. Specifically, the study will determine:
- Connectivity to the adjacent road network; especially Blackfoot Trail and 11 Street S.E.
- If rail/LRT grade separation is needed and if so, will it be an underpass or an overpass.
- Where property access will be provided.
- Transit, pedestrian and cyclist facilities and network connections.
- Land needed for the road right-of-way.
- Potential short-term improvements.
In the future, 50 Avenue SE will extend across Deerfoot Trail, with connections at Blackfoot Trail and 11 Street S.E. The future corridor is an important east-west connection for transit and active modes.
Next year The City will also begin a feasibility study in the area to determine a potential location(s) for a new bus maitenance and storage facility to support the transit needs of Calgarians for years to come.
Maps of the Study Area
Corridor Overview

Aerial Image showing Industrial Arterial and Arterial Sections of the Corridor that show the existing conditions and current classifications of the road.
50 Avenue S.E. is part of the Primary Transit Network and the 5A (Always Available for All Ages and Abilities) Pathway & Bikeway Network.
5A Network
The 5A Pathway & Bikeway Network is about providing year-round healthy and affordable travel options to Calgarians of all ages and abilities. It is a city-wide mobility network consisting of off-street pathways, on-street bikeways and safer crossings. 50 Avenue S.E. will have sidewalks on both sides of the street and the study will evaluate how to best accommodate cyclists along the corridor.
Road Type Split
The 50 Avenue S.E. cross section will vary along the corridor. The area closest to Macleod Trail is currently classified as industrial arterial (no median) however this study may revisit this classification to reflect a more urban nature depending on land use planning discussions which are ongoing. The road east of 3 Street S.E. will be an arterial roadway (with median).
We would like to better understand how you use the area currently as well as any feedback on local issues and opportunities for the corridor. Public input is a valuable part of developing the plan. Your feedback, along with technical requirements, budget and policy direction, will inform the recommendations for the future road.

In Phase 1, your feedback about a potential grade separation for the LRT/ rail tracks, current mobility issues with the existing road, opportunities for improvement and how you use the road will inform draft concepts to be shared in Phase 2.
Complete the surveys below
Open for feedback online until January 12, 2024