The temporary walking and wheeling detour on 3 Avenue S. will be removed this fall when construction on the Eau Claire Promenade/Bow River Pathway is complete. There are several reasons the temporary detour will not remain in place including upcoming construction in the area and the temporary nature of the materials used to construct the detour.

The City is committed to implementing the Council-approved 5A Network and principles, including providing a permanent walking and wheeling facility on 3 Avenue. We are currently gathering insights from detour users, businesses, and property owners.

We want to hear from people in the area and users of the detour about their experience with the 3 Avenue detour. Feedback from this survey will be considered as we plan future detours and permanent active modes infrastructure in the downtown.


As Calgary grows, our pathway and bikeway capacity needs to develop to ensure a safe and enjoyable space for everyone.

The 3 Avenue South Walking and Wheeling Upgrades Project aims to make it easier to walk and wheel along the corridor while providing vital East and West connections to our existing network. The 2018 Centre City Bicycle Volume Map shows that 3 Avenue South is one of the busiest cycling routes in the centre city. Creating a high-quality facility, that is accessible for all ages and abilities, will address some pedestrian and traffic safety concerns that have been raised in past engagement with the communities of Chinatown and Eau Claire, and pathway users along the Bow River and River Walk pathways.

A dedicated option for people wheeling provides separation between people travelling at different speeds, which improves safety, predictability and comfort. Using the Always Available for All Ages and Abilities (5A) Network principles approved by council in January 2020, the 3 Avenue South upgrades will work to increases comfort, safety, connectivity and accessibility for all users. We know that Calgarians want walkable communities, with convenient and attractive connections to neighbours, shopping, services, cultural experiences, natural spaces, workplaces and educational opportunities. Pathways and bikeways provide them with the ability to connect with these destinations.

The project will improve active transportation connections to businesses, residences, transit, and existing pathways and bikeways. There is an increased demand for sidewalk space along 3 Avenue and the River Walk pathway, and providing an on-street alternative will help to alleviate the strain on sidewalk capacity in the area. By moving mobility devices such as scooters, in-line skates, and skateboards off of sidewalks into accessible pathways and bikeways enables people of all abilities to travel in the area comfortably.

We are launching this project in coordination with the Eau Claire Area Improvements so that we can find efficiencies and connectivity with other projects in the area while addressing the impact to the community. We know that future development in the Eau Claire Area means there will be a need for alternative routes for walking and wheeling when the existing Bow River Pathway is closed due to construction or in the event of high water levels on the Bow River. Doing the work now supports our intent to create resilience in the area and future-proof our pathway and bikeway network

The Upgrades

The upgrades being made for people who walk and wheel in the area include:

  • Improvements at intersections that enhance safety and make it easier to cross the street
  • The possible installation of signals (where appropriate) to enhance pedestrian safety and accessibility
  • Wheelchair ramp reconstruction and accessibility improvements
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Changes to on-street parking, including curb extensions or concrete islands that will improve the visibility of people at intersections
  • Creating angle parking stalls where appropriate on side streets to increase parking capacity
  • Creating dedicated facilities for cycling and other mobility devices such as scooters, in-line skates, and skateboards

Why 3 Avenue South?

  • 3 Avenue South is the only east-west road that connects to the Bow River Pathway Network on the west side in the Eau Claire community (at 8 Street S.W.) and the east side in the Chinatown community (via 1 Street S.E.).
  • 3 Avenue South supports connectivity and accessibility for people walking, wheeling, and taking transit in the centre city.
  • The 3 Avenue South upgrades will support the Eau Claire Area Improvements Project during construction. The upgrades we’re making along 3 Avenue will ensure that Calgarians are provided with an alternate route to the Bow River Pathway Network during construction and will also improve access to businesses and residential areas in the vicinity.
  • 3 Avenue South has a range of businesses which can be supported through increased access for customers and employees travelling by foot, bicycle, and other active modes.
  • Past plans and policies have identified 3 Avenue South as an active transportation corridor and it is an existing on-street bikeway.
  • 3 Avenue South is one of the busiest roads for cycling in Calgary (at the west end) and connects to both the 7 Street S.W. and 5 Street S.W. cycle tracks as well as Eau Claire and Sien Lok Park (via 1 Street S.W.).

Relevant Policies and Plans

3 Avenue South was identified as a cycling connection in several plans and policies:





You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
When referring to Option 1 shown above for Zone A, what is the level of impact to the community?
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
No Impact/ Not Sure
Negative Impact
Strong Negative Impact
Pedestrian safety and facility design
Cycling and micro-mobility safety and facility design
Community access
Streetscape look and feel
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
When referring to Option 2 shown above for Zone A, what is the level of impact to the community?
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
No Impact/ Not Sure
Negative Impact
Strong negative Impact
Pedestrian and safety and facility design
Cycling and micro-mobility safety and facility design
Community access
Streetscape look and feel

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
When referring to the option for Zone B shown above, what is the level of impact to the community?
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
No Impact/ Not Sure
Negative Impact
Strong Negative Impact
Pedestrian safety and facility design
Cycling and micro-mobility safety and facility design
Community access
Streetscape look and feel

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


ZONE C - Option 1

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You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
When referring to Option 1 shown above for Zone C, what is the level of impact to the community?
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
No Impact/ Not Sure
Negative Impact
Strong negative Impact
Pedestrian and safety and facility design
Cycling and micro-mobility safety and facility design
Community access
Streetscape look and feel

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Zone C - Option 2

Questions have been broken down by block for Zone C
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You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 255 characters left.
When referring to Option 2 shown above for Zone C, what is the level of impact to the community?
Strong positive impact
Positive impact
No Impact/ Not Sure
Negative Impact
Strong negative Impact
Pedestrian and safety and facility design
Cycling and micro-mobility safety and facility design
Community access
Streetscape look and feel

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


In general, how often do you travel using the following?
Less than monthly
Walking or wheelchair
Micro-mobility (scooter, in-line skates/ rollerskates, skateboard, etc)
Electrified mobility device (E-scooter, E-bike, Electric skateboard, etc)
Taxi and/or Ride-hailing Service
When travelling to and along 3 Avenue South, which transportation modes do you use?

Please select all that apply

Why do you travel in this area?

Please select all that apply

What are the mobility needs of people who live, work, and access this area?

Please select all that apply

How has the experience of travelling to and along 3 Avenue South changed since the COVID-19 pandemic began?

Please select all that apply

You have 255 characters left.
How did you hear about the project?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Q & A

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These are the people that are listening and responding to your questions.

Dennis and Aparna

Project Leads

Dennis and Aparna are the project leads for the project.

Natalie and Stephanie

Communications and Engagement

Natalie and Stephanie are the communications and engagement leads for the project.

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