17 Avenue S.W. (Crowchild Trail-37 Street) Streetscape Master Plan
17 Avenue S.W. (Crowchild Trail-37 Street), along with 37 Street S.W., – underwent the “design” step of the Main Streets program in 2018 and 2019. The City has developed a streetscape master plan for your Main Street based on citizen and stakeholder feedback, technical analysis, and financial considerations. The plan supports the needs identified by the community and provides a vision that guides the detailed design and construction phases. This vision encompasses numerous considerations, including:
- enhanced pedestrian safety and comfort;
- improved mobility options, including transit and cycling;
- a design that reflects its identity of the surrounding communities;
- green, friendly streets through naturalized boulevards, trees, and site furnishings;
- making 17 Avenue S.W. a destination that will support existing and new local businesses, and;
- improved connections to park spaces and amenities.
The 17 Avenue S.W. Main Street, along with the 37 Street S.W. Main Street, is funded for construction and is expected to begin in spring 2020, completing in 2021.
The Main Streets team is committed to keeping Calgarians informed and up to date as this project progresses towards construction and beyond.
We’ll be communicating with residents, property owners and businesses over the coming months to provide more detail about the 17 Avenue S.W. Main Street construction process, potential tree removals, changes to driveway access and when you will see construction crews in your community.
The Main Streets Program is one of the ways that the City of Calgary is working to make our city “a great place to make a living, and a great place to make a life.” Our program shares The City’s common purpose of “making life better every day” by implementing a comprehensive process to transform our main streets into places where people want to live, work and play.
Main Streets are places where citizens come together. They allow us to travel less and live more by providing the things we need right in our own communities.
Core Principles
Main Streets are resilient, adaptable, and attractive places that:
• Celebrate the character of the community;
• Encourage diversity of businesses, buildings and residents;
• Create a vibrant destination, and;
• Improve public health.
What is a Streetscape Master Plan?
A Streetscape Master Plan is more than improved accessibility, safety and beautification. It is about place-making, creating vibrant places that put a priority on sociability, access and linkages, comfort and image, and uses and activity.
Within the Main Streets Master Plan process we engage the public in three phases; Discover, Explore and Reveal to better understand community’s values for their street.
In the Discover Phase we Listen & Learn; stakeholders and The City listen to and learn about public views, plans, concerns, and expectations.
In the Explore phase, public feedback is obtained through consultation to review preliminary design ideas and options developed from input input discussed at the Discover phase. We ensure issues and concerns are understood and considered prior to design resolution of the Master Plan.
The Reveal phase focuses on communicating the short and long term strategies that will be carried forward into detail design of the project. The information communicated will include: (a) the proposed design; (b) what is different from existing; (c) why it is different, and; (d) how engagement input influenced the design, and; if not, explaining how the input was considered and why it could not be incorporated into the design.
How we use your input?
Feedback gathered from public and stakeholder engagement is reviewed with City of Calgary policy and standards, site conditions, and technical design analysis then refined for the next stage of engagement.