PROJECT UPDATE - Chosen design option

**For the most up-to-date project information, please visit

In 2021, The City shared two preliminary concepts with the public for feedback. Through this process, community preferences were identified – and this information helped to inform the chosen design of Option 2B for this project

You can view the different concept options below including the chosen 2B option for the final design.

View the What We Heard, What We Did Report for more details on the City-led public engagement process to see how your input was used in the creation of the “Preferred Design Concept”.

Thank you to everyone who provided input for this project. Funding is now secured, and we anticipate starting construction in summer 2024.


Project Background:

As part of the 17 Avenue S.W. Construction Project, detours were required along 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. Both corridors were temporarily converted to one-way roads to allow people who drive to travel westbound along 14 Avenue and eastbound along 15 Avenue from 1 Street S.E. to 12 Street S.W.

14 and 15 Ave Overall Map

(Click to enlarge image)

Although parking was maintained on both sides of the road, the travel lane widths of the corridors were wide, which can encourage speeding.

As a result of the changes, stakeholders encouraged The City to improve the experience for those who walk and wheel through the community. The following changes were implemented:

  • One-way wheeling (bicycles, scooters, etc.) lanes, and buffered wheeling lanes where road widths allowed, were installed in the direction of traffic to provide connected and consistent wheeling facilities and to reduce the widths of the vehicular travel lanes.
  • Temporary traffic calming curbs were installed where crosswalks already existed to improve visibility and reduce crossing distances for people who walk and to encourage a reduction in traffic speeds as vehicles approach intersections.
Location Summary

(Click to enlarge image)

Current configuration

(Click to enlarge image)

Now that there is a break in construction along 17 Avenue S.W. until sidewalk work planned for 2021, we are collecting data and reviewing operations to investigate the need for permanent infrastructure along 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S.


Your input, and the input of other citizens and stakeholders, helps The City understand the public’s perspectives, opinions, and concerns. Input collected during each phase of the project will be compiled and shared through a “What We Heard” report.

To learn more about engagement at The City, visit

This project will have two phases of engagement:

Phase 1 – Identification

During this phase of engagement, we will be asking what is working well and what is challenging for those travelling along 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. between 1 Street S.E. to 12 Street S.W. We will also be asking about what future improvements you would like to see to permanent infrastructure.

Phase 2 – Prioritization

Based on the feedback collected in Phase 1, we will be looking for you to prioritize what infrastructure improvements you would like to see in the future, if any.


Why were 14 and 15 Avenues converted to one-way roads in the first place?

As part of the 17 Avenue S.W. Construction Project, 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. were converted to one-way roads, with street parking preserved on both sides of the road, to provide detours during construction. This also provided an opportunity to improve the pedestrian experience and add wheeling facilities by reducing the widths of travel lanes to encourage a reduction in traffic speeds.

Currently, 14 Avenue S. accommodates one westbound traffic lane with parking on both sides of the street, and 15 Avenue S. has one eastbound traffic lane with parking on both sides of the street.

What other changes were made to the roads?

We have installed temporary infrastructure on both roads, including continuous one-way wheeling lanes (and buffered wheeling lanes where road widths allowed) in the direction of traffic throughout the corridor to provide connected and consistent facilities, and to reduce vehicular travel lane widths. Where crosswalks already existed, we have also installed temporary traffic calming curbs along the corridor to reduce pedestrian crossing distances, improve sightlines and encourage a reduction in traffic speeds approaching intersections.

Will 14 and 15 Avenue permanently be converted to one-way roads from 1 Street S.E. to 12 Street S.W.?

At this time, no decision has been made. Stakeholder consultation and feedback will help determine if permanent infrastructure changes are required, and if so, inform the selection of the final design option for implementation on 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S.

What types of mobility changes are being considered along 14 and 15 Avenues S.?

With the help of Calgarians, we are exploring options to improve mobility in this area.

In this upcoming phase of engagement, we are looking to have a discussion with the public about what is working and what is not working regarding mobility along 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. These conversations will help identify what changes are needed to improve mobility for people who walk, wheel, take transit, and drive.

How do I contact the project team if I have further questions about the project?

Please contact 311.



We want to hear from you about how you currently move along 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. between 1 Street S.E. to 12 Street S.W. and what has or has not been working for you. Additionally, we would like to learn about what improvements in permanent infrastructure you would like to see in the future.

1) On the map below, please add markers within the boundary box for any comments you may have regarding each of the following topics:

  1. Working – What is working with the one-way design of the road with an added wheeling lane? Please tell us why it works.
  2. Challenging – What is not working with this design of the road? Please tell us why it does not work.
  3. Ideas – Are there infrastructure improvements along 14 Avenue S. or 15 Avenue S. that you would like to see in the future? Please tell us why.

Thank you for your contributions. The survey is now closed.


Based on the feedback collected in Phase 1, we are now looking for you to prioritize what infrastructure improvements you would like to see in the future, if any.

Two possible design options for the study area were developed based on your feedback and The City's technical analysis. They include:

Option 1:

  • Both 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. remain as one-way roads.
  • Existing on-street wheeling lanes are retained.
  • Additional minor upgrades, such as converting existing curb extensions from temporary to permanent, adding wheelchair ramps, additional signage, etc.

Option 2A:

  • 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
  • 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
  • 14 Avenue S. will be retained as a one-way road with an on-street wheeling lane (existing configuration).
  • In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.

Option 2B:

  • 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
  • 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
  • 14 Avenue S. will revert back to a two-way road with wheeling infrastructure removed.
  • In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.

Option 1

Option 1:

  • Both 14 Avenue S. and 15 Avenue S. remain as one-way roads.
  • Existing on-street wheeling lanes are retained.
  • Additional minor upgrades, such as converting existing curb extensions from temporary to permanent, adding wheelchair ramps, additional signage, etc.


  • Lower cost than Option 2.
  • No impacts to parking.
  • No impacts to maintenance requirements.
  • Potential minor improvements to signage and curb extensions.


  • Without a physical barrier in place, there's an increased risk of conflicts between people who wheel and people who drive.
  • People who wheel may feel less comfortable using the unprotected on-street wheeling facility.

Option 2A

Option 2A:

  • 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
  • 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
  • 14 Avenue S. will be retained as a one-way road with an on-street wheeling lane (existing configuration).
  • In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.

15 Avenue S. benefits:

  • Wheeling facility is protected (separated from travel lanes by a physical buffer), which improves safety and operations.
  • Protected wheeling facility increases road user comfort level and may result in more active travel users.
  • No impacts to trees or grass boulevards.
  • More additional improvements than Option 1 (curb extensions, signage, intersection upgrades, pedestrian crossings, lighting, etc.)

15 Avenue S. trade-offs/impacts:

  • Higher construction costs.
  • Increased snow removal costs.
  • Parking removed on the north side of 15 Avenue S.

14 Avenue S. benefits:

  • One-way road configuration provides easier mobility and maneuverability for people who drive.
  • People who walk or wheel along 14 Avenue S. will remain separated from people who drive, reducing conflict zones.
  • No impacts to parking on 14 Avenue S.

14 Avenue S. trade-offs/impacts:

  • The wheeling lane along 14 Avenue S. may be underutilized given that 15 Avenue S. will have a protected wheeling facility. With fewer users on the 14 Avenue S. wheeling facility, the vehicle travel lane may appear wider and result in higher vehicle travel speeds.

Option 2B

Option 2B:

  • 15 Avenue S. remains as a one-way road.
  • 15 Avenue S. wheeling lane will be upgraded to a protected two-way facility on the north side of the road.
  • 14 Avenue S. will revert back to a two-way road with wheeling infrastructure removed.
  • In addition to curb extensions and signage improvements, this option includes additional upgrades such as improvements to intersections, pedestrian crossings, and lighting.

15 Avenue S. benefits (same benefits as Option 2A):

  • Wheeling facility is protected (separated from travel lanes by a physical buffer), which improves safety and operations.
  • Protected wheeling facility increases road user comfort level and may result in more active travel users.
  • No impacts to trees or grass boulevards.
  • More additional improvements than Option 1 (curb extensions, signage, intersection upgrades, pedestrian crossings, lighting, etc.)

15 Avenue S. trade-offs/impacts (same trade-offs/impacts as Option 2A):

  • Higher construction costs.
  • Increased snow removal costs.
  • Parking removed on the north side of 15 Avenue S.

14 Avenue S. benefits:

  • With a two-way street, vehicle travel lanes are narrower, which may help calm traffic and reduce vehicle travel speeds.
  • No impacts to parking on 14 Avenue S.

Trade-offs/impacts 14 Avenue S.:

  • Less extensive wheeling network may result in fewer people using active transportation modes (bicycles, scooters, skateboards, etc.).
  • Potential vehicle maneuverability issues with narrow lanes in a two-way road configuration.
  • People who walk and people who wheel along 14 Avenue S. will use sidewalk space, which may lead to increased conflict zones.


Your feedback from Phase 2: Prioritization, along with technical analysis, has helped inform the final chosen design of option 2B.

Funding has now been secured for this project and construction is anticipated to start in summer 2024. For more information on the construction timeline and impacts, please visit