Commercial Activities in Parks Survey - Shaw Millennium Park

1. Have you seen any services/sales in parks this year?
2. If yes, where?

Shaw Millennium Park Specifics

3. How often do you use Shaw Millennium Park?
4. Have you seen any services or sales in this park this year?
5. If yes, have you used any services or sales in this park this year?
6. How did having that service or sales in the park impact your park experience?
7. How do you feel merchandise-type services would impact your experience in Shaw Millennium Park (e.g. Sale of sunscreen)?
8. How do you feel food services would impact your experience in Shaw Millennium Park?
9. How do you feel rental/repair services would impact your experience in Shaw Millennium Park (e.g. Rental of skateboards)?
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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.