A parks bylaw is a set of rules to regulate the actions and behaviours of park users. These rules are intended to protect park assets, promote safety and provide a safe and enjoyable experience for park users.

The Parks and Pathway Bylaw was last reviewed in 2003 – almost 15 years ago. Since then the way we use parks has evolved. For example, in recent years goats have been introduced to our parks to help manage weeds, Segways have been seen on pathways and new technologies, such as drones, have become more commonplace.

As part of our Bylaw review, we have gathered information and ideas from reports, surveys, 3-1-1 calls and best practices from other cities as well as input from you.

Thank you to everyone who provided input, public engagement is now closed. For a summary of everything we heard see the what we heard what we heard report.


Thank you to everyone who shared their input, engagement is now closed. Please watch this site for the What we heard report.

Your input will help us to shape the revised Bylaw. It will also help us to identify areas that might require additional engagement with the community.

Please note that:

  • Smoking in outdoor recreational spaces is regulated by The Smoking Bylaw. In the coming months, this bylaw and others may need to be amended to reflect the legalization of recreational cannabis. The City of Calgary will provide details as they are available.
  • The Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw outlines the responsibilities of pet ownership in our city, including on-leash/off-leash regulations.
  • The Tree Protection Bylaw was created to protect public trees - including those in our city parks.

As a result, these matters are not regulated by The Parks and Pathway Bylaw, and are outside of the scope of this review.

What type of activities do you think the Bylaw should allow in parks.

Check all that apply.

What currently hinders or detracts from your park experience?

Check all that apply.

You have 255 characters left.
What are your views regarding the recreational use of small drones (less than 4 lbs, operating within aviation regulations) in parks?

While we have your attention, we would appreciate your input on two additional questions. Your responses to these will be used to help inform activities in our next Calgary Parks Business Planning Cycle (2019-2022).

How often do you use pathways in linear parks for recreational activities such as walking, running, cycling or walking your dog?
Which types of pathways do you think you would use year round?

Please select your top priority.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


Thank you to everyone who provided input. For a summary of everything we heard see the what we heard what we heard report. Please watch this page for any future updates.