Crowchild Trail is an important part of Calgary’s transportation network. Whether you use Crowchild daily, a few times a month, or you choose not to use it, your feedback has helped us make better decisions for the future of this corridor.

To learn more about the project please visit, www.calgary.ca/crowchild


Thank you Calgary for your input into the Crowchild Trail Study. Together, we were able to identify recommended short-, medium- and long-term changes and upgrades to Crowchild Trail that best meet the study’s key principles: maintain and enhance bordering communities, improve travel along the corridor and improve mobility across the corridor. On May 8, 2017 City Council approved the recommendations.

View the recommendations at the links and in the video below:

Hear what Calgarians had to say about the process.

Past Engagement Activities

Designing an engagement program with citizen’s input (Feb-Apr 2015)In this phase the project team sought to develop a phased engagement plan in line with Council approved direction for Transportation Corridor Studies.

Over the course of three workshops, an 18-member citizen Engagement Design Team (EDT) provided the project team with ideas for methods to provide opportunities for citizen engagement and creating awareness of those opportunities.

The input from the EDT workshops was used to draft an engagement program that guides the detailed engagement planning for all subsequent phases.

Developing project goals with citizen’s input (Jun-Sep 2015)

This phase was the first to reach out broadly to those who live or work immediately next to Crowchild Trail, large institutions serviced by the corridor, residents of communities adjacent to Crowchild Trail, and users of the corridor.

At a series of workshops, community events, on-site sounding boards and through an online tool, Calgarians provided the project team with insight as to what would be important for the study to accomplish.

The input gathered in this phase has been used by the project team to develop a set of project goals, grouped by three key principles that will help guide the development and evaluation of the preliminary concepts.

Identifying concepts with citizen’s input (Oct 2015-March 2016)

During this phase Calgarians explored possible changes to Crowchild Trail with the project team.

At a series of workshops, drop-in sessions, on-site sounding boards and through an online tool Calgarians shared ideas on possible changes to Crowchild Trail and explored the benefits, impacts, constraints and trade-offs of those ideas. Subsequently, after an initial technical review by the project team, Calgarians evaluated the ideas to determine how well they met the study’s three key principles.

The input gathered in this phase has been used by the project team to develop preliminary design concepts for evaluation in Phase 4 of the study.

Evaluating concepts with citizen’s input (May – June 2016)

During this phase Calgarians evaluated preliminary concepts for possible changes to Crowchild Trail with the project team. The concepts are a reflection of the many ideas gathered from Calgarians, coupled with the project team’s technical review.

At a series of workshops, drop-in events, walking tours and through an online tool, Calgarians weighed the preliminary concepts against the project goals that were developed in Phase 2. This detailed look at the preliminary concepts provided a more refined understanding of how well the concepts meet the priorities of Calgarians that were shared during the development and refinement of the project goals.

The input gathered in this phase has been used by the project team to refine and identify a set of draft recommendations for review in Phase 5: Concept Selection and Recommendation.

Refining the draft recommendations with citizen’s input (Sep-Oct 2016)

During this phase Calgarians reviewed the draft recommendations and identified strengths and weaknesses. Throughout September and October, Calgarians provided input at a series of open houses, drop-in sessions, community sounding boards, and through an online tool.

The input gathered in this phase was used to help refine and finalize the recommendations that will go to Council early next year.

Evaluating the process with citizens' input (Nov-Dec 2016)

During this phase the project team presented the final recommendations and Calgarians evaluated the engagement process used to help create those recommendations. Through late November and early December Calgarians provided input at open houses and through an online too.

The input gathered in this phase was used in the final engagement summary report to Council - and will continue to be used to improve future studies.